
How Church Becomes a Second Family

Family and church are two important parts of society that are linked in a lot of ways. A family church is a group of religious people who are close to each other in ways that go beyond religion. They can grow in their faith, support each other, and feel like they are part of a strong community. A family church is an idea that will be talked about in this post. A family church helps people grow spiritually, emotionally, and mentally by creating church groups.

family church - a family at church
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What is a Family Church?

A family church is a religious group that puts family values first and encourages people to spend time together. It is a place where people in the congregation can pray, learn, and grow together as a family. This kind of church cares about families and tries to create an atmosphere where people can get to know each other well.

A family church is so much more than a place to attend services together. It’s a community where people come to build strong, lasting relationships outside of regular church hours. Here, you’ll find people who not only share your faith but also your interests and viewpoints, making it a great place to connect on multiple levels.

Our family is very involved in University Carillon Church, which puts a lot of value on family and neighborhood community. Our youngest kids are in the Upward sports program, which my husband also volunteers with as a coach. I’m an active part of the leadership for Friday Moms, a women’s ministry group for moms. Our oldest son works in the youth ministry and also goes to a Bible study for high school boys. Our two youngest attend the Wednesday night program offered for kids. We’re all committed as a family, and each of us does our part to build a sense of community and support.

The Benefits of a Family Church

A Sense of Belonging: Being a part of a family church gives individuals a sense of belonging and community. Participation, engagement, & investment in the community increase when people feel like they belong.

Support: A church offers support to its members in various ways, from prayer support to practical assistance. Attendees are known for their willingness to help those in need.

Spiritual Growth: A family church provides opportunities for spiritual growth through Bible studies, prayer meetings, and worship services. Members of a congregation can learn from one another and grow in their faith together.

Accountability: A church provides a system of accountability that helps individuals stay on track with their spiritual journey. Members of a worship community can encourage one another to live out their faith and hold each other accountable when they stray from the path.

Family Values: A good church promotes family values and encourages its members to prioritize their relationships with their families. It’s a place where people value family bonds and provide support for one another in fortifying such bonds.

Church Families

A family church creates church families that are built on strong relationships, shared beliefs, and a commitment to growth. These groups are not limited to biological families but include individuals who have formed meaningful relationships within the church community. These relationships are based on love, trust, & mutual respect.

Church families provide a support system that is essential for individuals’ well-being. Members of a church family can lean on one another during challenging times and celebrate together during moments of joy. Church families give people a sense of belonging that goes beyond the church doors. They also give people a safe place to be themselves.

Church families also provide a space for individuals to grow in their faith. Members of a church can learn from one another, ask questions, and share their experiences. Church families provide opportunities for individuals to explore their faith & deepen their understanding of God’s word.

How to Find a Family Church

Ask Around: Ask your friends and family if they attend a church and if they would recommend it.

Research Online: Use online resources to find a church in your area. Websites like Church Finder and Yelp can provide reviews and information about local churches.

Attend Services: Attend services at different churches to see if the community is right for you and your family. Take note of the sermon topics, the atmosphere, and the level of participation and engagement from the congregation.

Meet with Church Members: Once you have identified a potential family church, reach out to the pastoral staff or members to schedule a meeting. Ask questions and express your concerns or interests.

Participate in Activities: Take part in church activities and events to learn more about the congregation and the neighborhood. This can help you build meaningful relationships with other members and find your place within the church family.

Finding the Right Fit for Your Family

Identifying a good family church involves considering several key factors to ensure it aligns with your family’s needs and values. Here are some tips:

  1. Inclusive and Welcoming Atmosphere: Look for a church that greets everyone with warmth and openness, creating a sense of belonging for all ages.
  2. Programs for Different Age Groups: A good family-friendly church offers programs and activities tailored to various age groups, such as Sunday school for children, youth groups for teenagers, and study groups or activities for adults.
  3. Family-Friendly Services: The services should be engaging for both adults and children. Churches that offer special moments for children during the service or provide a separate, age-appropriate worship experience can be very appealing.
  4. Community Engagement: A community congregation that encourages community involvement and outreach can provide a sense of purpose and service for your family.
  5. Doctrinal Alignment: Ensure the church’s teachings align with your family’s beliefs and values. This alignment is crucial for your family’s spiritual growth and comfort.
  6. Quality Childcare: If you have young children, check if the church offers reliable and safe childcare during services and events.
  7. Positive Environment for Growth: The church should promote a loving and supportive environment where your family can grow spiritually and build meaningful relationships.
  8. Accessibility of Leadership: Look for a church where the leadership is approachable and also willing to discuss your family’s spiritual needs.
  9. Active and Diverse Congregation: A congregation with families of various backgrounds can enrich your experience.
  10. Regular Family Events: Churches that host family-centered events and activities can strengthen your family’s bond with the church community.

By visiting the church several times and interacting with its members, you can gain valuable insight into whether it suits your family well.

Kids and Family Church

Getting kids excited about going to church can be challenging in this digital age, with constant new distractions and activities vying for their attention. However, equipped with the right tools, parents can foster a love for church in their children and also encourage their involvement in community activities.

Start Early

It’s never too early to introduce children to the concepts of church and faith. As soon as children are old enough to understand basic concepts. Parents can start talking to them about God. Practice prayer at home. And explain the importance of attending church. This can help create a foundation of faith that children can build upon as they grow older.

If you’re looking for a way to get your kids excited about attending church, the DK Illustrated Family Bible is an excellent resource to use at home. This Bible helps children and families understand and enjoy the most notable Old and New Testament stories with its entertaining graphics and easily-read text.

Make Church Fun

Kids are more likely to enjoy attending church if they find it fun and engaging. Parents can help by finding a church that offers age-appropriate programs and activities that cater to children’s interests. These may include children’s choirs, Sunday school classes, youth groups, and vacation bible school programs.

Attend a Family Church Together

Parents can set an example for their children by attending church together. This not only reinforces the importance of attending church but also provides an opportunity for families to bond and create memories together.

Get Involved

Actively encourage children’s involvement in church activities and programs. This can help them feel a sense of ownership and belonging in the church community. Parents can help by volunteering to assist with children’s programs or by encouraging their children to participate in church events.

Connect with Other Families at Church

Parents can help their children develop friendships and connections within the church community by connecting with other families. This can help children feel more comfortable and at ease attending church, knowing that they have friends and allies in the community.

  1. Attend Social Events: Participate in church-organized social gatherings, picnics, or dinners. These events are great opportunities to meet families in a relaxed setting.
  2. Join Small Groups or Bible Studies: Being part of smaller groups that meet regularly for Bible study or discussion can help you form closer bonds.
  3. Volunteer Together: Get actively involved in church activities or community service projects. Working together on a common goal can be a powerful way to connect.
  4. Participate in Family-Centric Activities: Many churches offer events targeted at families, such as retreats, movie nights, or game evenings.
  5. Support Children’s Programs: If you have children, engage in activities designed for them, such as Sunday school, vacation Bible school, or youth groups. This not only benefits your kids but also allows you to connect with other parents.
  6. Offer Hospitality: Invite families from your church for a meal or coffee. Personal invitations to your home can forge strong friendships.
  7. Attend Workshops and Seminars: These events can be educational and also a means to meet families with similar interests.
  8. Participate in Church Ministries: Joining a choir, worship team, or other ministries can help you interact more with others.
  9. Create or Join a Support Group: This could be for parents, couples, or specific needs where members can share experiences and support each other.
  10. Start or Join a Church Sports Team: Engaging in sports can be a fun and active way to connect with families.
  11. Connect Digitally: Utilize the church’s social media groups or email lists to stay informed and engage with others.
  12. Be Approachable and Open: Sometimes, simply being friendly and approachable during and after services can lead to meaningful connections.
  13. Mentorship and Counseling Programs: Participate in these programs to either get guidance or offer support to others, thereby creating deeper connections.
  14. Organize or Attend Family Outings: Group outings or trips can be great ways to bond with other families outside of the regular church setting.
  15. Church Boards or Committees: Joining church governance can also be a way to interact with a wide range of individuals and families.

Building relationships takes time, so don’t get discouraged if you don’t make connections right away. Stay consistent in your efforts and be genuine in your interactions, as these actions are key to forming lasting connections with other families.

Use Technology

Incorporating technology into the church experience can help make it more engaging and relevant for kids. Many family churches offer online resources, such as videos, podcasts, and interactive apps, that can help children learn about faith in a fun and interactive way.

The Chosen series has taken the world by storm with its fresh and engaging take on the life of Jesus Christ. “The Chosen: A STORY OF THE FIRST CHRISTMAS“, tells the story of the birth of Jesus from the perspective of those who witnessed it.

Make Worship at Your Family Church Regular Habit

Consistency is key when it comes to developing a habit of attending church. Parents can help by making worship a regular part of their family’s routine. This can help children develop a sense of commitment to their faith & community.

Getting kids interested in attending a family church requires effort and dedication, but the rewards are well worth it. Parents can help their kids love going to church and get involved in the community by making church a fun, interesting, and helpful place for them. Whether it’s through age-appropriate events, technology, or getting to know other families, there are many things parents can do to help their kids love going to church for life.

Final Thoughts on Family Church

A family church is a place where everyone can pray and learn more about their faith. Families can meet people who like the same things they do and make ties that will last a long time. In a family church, church families are very important because they help people feel like they are part of a group. A family church can help parents raise a family in today’s world and teach children about God. Church groups are a safe place to share joys/sorrows, pray for one another, & help each other.

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Hi! I'm Jen, and I'm thrilled you stopped by!

I am a certified life coach, mother of five, wife, founder of the non-profit Eye on Vision Foundation, entrepreneur, Christian, and friend. I live, play, work and worship in the Orlando, Florida area.

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