
Teaching Kids About Why Jesus Was Crucified and What It Means

why Jesus was crucified - Jesus hanging on cross with sun in background
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Why Was Jesus Crucified? A Simple Guide for Parents

Today, we’re diving into a pretty big question: “Why was Jesus crucified?” You might have heard this question from your little ones or maybe even wondered yourself. After all, the story of Jesus is shared in many homes, especially during Easter. So, let’s hop on our time-traveling train and go back 2,000 years for a down-to-earth look at this significant event.

Who Was Jesus?

First off, imagine a teacher, healer, and friend, all rolled into one awesome person. That was Jesus! He lived a long time ago and many believed he was the Son of God. People from all over would gather just to hear him speak. And guess what? He even performed miracles, like feeding a crowd with just a few fish and loaves of bread! Now, that’s a picnic I wish I could’ve attended.

Not Everyone Was a Fan

Now, if you’re thinking, “Wow, this Jesus sounds amazing! Who wouldn’t like him?” you’d be surprised. Just like how some people love pineapple on pizza and others don’t (and we won’t judge you either way), not everyone was on Team Jesus.

Some powerful leaders felt threatened by Jesus. They were worried that if too many people followed him, they might lose their power. Imagine if you were the most popular baker in town because of your delicious cookies, and then someone new came along with even tastier cookies. You might feel a little worried, right?

The Bigger Picture

Many believe that Jesus’ crucifixion wasn’t just because of those jealous leaders. Nope, it was part of a bigger plan. In the Bible, it says, “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” (John 3:16)

This means that Jesus’ sacrifice was a gift to everyone. By being crucified, he was taking on the mistakes of the world, giving people a fresh start. It’s like when you accidentally spill your juice, and then someone else helps you clean it up and says, “Don’t worry about it.” Jesus was doing that but on a much, much bigger scale.

Why Crucifixion?

Okay, here’s the tough part. Crucifixion was a form of punishment in those days. It was reserved for those viewed as major rule violators. And even though Jesus hadn’t done anything wrong, those threatened leaders wanted him out of the picture.

So, they convinced the crowd and got Jesus sentenced to be crucified. It was a heart-wrenching day for many, but this was not the end.

The Resurrection: A Twist in the Tale

Now, just when you thought the story was over, there’s a twist! Three days after Jesus was crucified, his tomb was found empty. Yes, EMPTY! He had risen from the dead, and many people saw him alive again. This event called the Resurrection, was like the cherry on top of the sundae. It showed everyone that Jesus truly was special and that his teachings about love, forgiveness, and hope were real.

Why It Still Matters

Okay, so you might be thinking, “This happened ages ago! Why should we care now?” Well, many people believe that the story of Jesus’ crucifixion and resurrection offers hope. It’s a reminder that even in tough times, good things can come out of it.

Plus, it’s a lesson about love. Imagine loving someone so much that you’d do anything for them. That’s how the story goes with Jesus. He loved us all so much that he was willing to go through all that pain.

Making Sense of It All for the Little Ones

Now that we’ve walked through the why’s and how’s of Jesus’ crucifixion, let’s chat about how to make this story relatable to our little ones. After all, big concepts like sacrifice and resurrection might seem a bit tricky for tiny minds to grasp!

A Hero’s Journey

Think of Jesus’ story as a hero’s journey, kind of like those bedtime stories with brave knights and princesses. Jesus was like a superhero – not with a cape, but with endless love and kindness. Explain to your kids that just like their favorite heroes, Jesus faced challenges to help others. This makes the concept of sacrifice more relatable and easier to understand.

Love in Action

Kids understand the language of love pretty well (thanks to all those cuddles and bedtime stories!). Tell them that Jesus’ actions were all about love – a big, huge, enormous love for everyone. It’s like sharing your favorite toy with a friend or hugging someone when they’re sad. Jesus’ love was so big that he wanted to help everyone, even if it meant going through something really tough.

The Magic of Easter

Easter isn’t just about egg hunts and chocolate bunnies (although those are super fun!). It’s actually a celebration of Jesus’ resurrection. You can tell your kids that Jesus’ comeback was like the greatest magic trick ever. He showed everyone that even when things seem really, really bad, there can still be a happy ending.

Lessons for Everyday Life

Jesus’ story isn’t just for Easter. It’s full of lessons we can use every day, like being kind, helping others, and having hope. Encourage your kids to be little helpers, spreading kindness and cheer, just like Jesus did. It’s about turning the big lessons into small, everyday actions.

Questions Are Good!

Lastly, let your kids ask questions. Lots of them. Their curious minds might come up with things we’ve never thought about! And it’s okay if you don’t have all the answers. Exploring these questions together can be a fun and meaningful journey.

why Jesus was crucified - on the cross

So parents, the next time your kiddo asks “Why was Jesus crucified?” you’ll have the scoop. Remember: it was a mix of earthly problems (jealous leaders) and a heavenly plan of love and sacrifice.

For parents seeking a captivating and child-friendly introduction to biblical stories, The Beginner’s Bible is a must-have. With over 30 years of trust, vibrant illustrations, and over 90 memorable tales, it’s not just a Bible – it’s the starting point of a child’s spiritual journey. Perfect for gifts, classroom use, or simply bedtime reading, this Bible ensures a deep, enduring connection between the young reader and God’s Word.

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Hi! I'm Jen, and I'm thrilled you stopped by!

I am a certified life coach, mother of five, wife, founder of the non-profit Eye on Vision Foundation, entrepreneur, Christian, and friend. I live, play, work and worship in the Orlando, Florida area.

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