This post will show you a comprehensive selection of over 100 biblical baby names and meanings to inspire you when choosing your child’s name.

Selecting a name for your new baby is not just about picking something that sounds nice. It’s about giving them an identity, a piece of heritage that they will carry throughout their life. For many parents, especially those who cherish their faith and the rich stories from the Bible, choosing a biblical baby name is much more than a tradition; it’s about connecting their child to a lineage of faith and values.
The Bible is full of names that carry deep significance. Each name tells a story, embodies a virtue, or commemorates a legacy. Think about how Adam and Eve were named for their roles in creation, or how Jesus was named to signify “the Lord saves.” Names in the Bible were often given by God to mark important events or to reflect the destiny and character of an individual.
In the pages of the Bible, names are chosen with purpose and meaning. Abraham, originally Abram, received his name as a promise of becoming “a father of many nations.” Sarah, previously Sarai, was named to signify her role as a mother to nations. These names weren’t just labels; they were prophetic, powerful, and spoke to each individual’s character and life journey.
Exploring Baby Names Influenced by the Bible
In this post, I’ve put together a selection of beautiful, meaningful biblical baby names for your son or daughter. This list includes classics that have stood the test of time, as well as unique names that might be less familiar. Whether you are drawn to the strength and leadership embodied in a name like Joshua or to the grace and resilience in a name like Ruth, you will find tons of options here.
Each name is presented with its meaning and a brief glimpse into its biblical significance, helping you to choose a name that not only sounds beautiful but also holds a powerful connection to your faith and values. Let’s look at these names and the stories behind them to give you ideas as you start the fun process of choosing a name for your child.
130 Meaningful Biblical Baby Names for Your Baby
Biblical Baby Names for Boys
When looking at boy names from the Bible there are several strong, meaningful choices. Each name carries a story of faith, courage, and wisdom. These names are not just a nod to the past; they are a blessing for the future. Whether you’re seeking a name that resonates with leadership, like David, or one that reflects resilience, like Noah, this list has something special for every little boy. Let’s look at these biblical names that have stood the test of time, each with its own unique legacy.
Aaron: “High mountain.” Brother of Moses, known for his role as a high priest.
Abel: “Breath.” Known as Adam and Eve’s son.
Abraham: “Father of multitudes.” A key figure in Genesis.
Adam: “Man.” The first human in the Bible.
Amos: “Carried by God.” A prophet who authored the Book of Amos.
Asher: “Happy, blessed.” One of Jacob’s twelve sons.
Benjamin: “Son of the right hand.” Jacob’s youngest son.
Caleb: “Whole-hearted.” Known for his faith in God during the Exodus.
Daniel: “God is my judge.” Known for surviving the lion’s den.
David: “Beloved.” The second king of Israel and a significant figure in Psalms.
Eli: “Ascended, uplifted.” A high priest and judge of Israel.
Elijah: “My God is Yahweh.” A prophet who performed miracles.
Enoch: “Dedicated.” Walked faithfully with God.
Ephraim: “Fruitful.” Son of Joseph, known for his descendants forming one of the twelve tribes of Israel.
Ethan: “Strong, firm.” Known for his wisdom.
More Names for Boys
Ezekiel: “God will strengthen.” A major prophet.
Gabriel: “God is my strength.” An angel who delivered messages.
Gideon: “Hewer.” A military leader and judge.
Isaac: “He will laugh.” Son of Abraham, central figure in the story of the binding of Isaac.
Isaiah: “Salvation of the Lord.” A prophet known for the Book of Isaiah.
Jacob: “Supplanter.” A key figure in Genesis, the father of the twelve tribes.
Jeremiah: “Exalted of the Lord.” A prophet who authored the Book of Jeremiah.
Jesse: “Gift.” Father of King David.
Job: “Persecuted, hated.” Known for his patience.
Joel: “Jehovah is God.” A prophet who wrote the Book of Joel.
Jonah: “Dove.” Known for being swallowed by a large fish.
Jonathan: “God has given.” Son of Saul, known for his friendship with David.
Joseph: “He will add.” Son of Jacob, known for his coat of many colors.
Joshua: “The Lord is salvation.” Led the Israelites into the Promised Land.
Josiah: “God supports, heals.” A king of Judah.
Biblical Baby Names for Boys Continued
Levi: “Joined, attached.” A son of Jacob, ancestor of the Levitical priests.
Luke: “Light giving.” Author of the Gospel of Luke.
Malachi: “My messenger.” A prophet, wrote the Book of Malachi.
Mark: “Polite, shining.” Author of the Gospel of Mark.
Matthew: “Gift of God.” Tax collector turned apostle, wrote the Gospel of Matthew.
Micah: “Who is like God?” A prophet, and author of the Book of Micah.
Moses: “Delivered from the water.” Led the Exodus of the Israelites from Egypt.
Nathan: “He gave.” A prophet who served under King David.
Nathaniel: “Gift of God.” A disciple of Jesus.
Noah: “Rest, repose.” Built the ark to survive the Flood.
Obadiah: “Servant of the Lord.” A minor prophet.
Paul: “Small, humble.” An apostle who played a key role in the spread of Christianity.
Peter: “Rock.” One of Jesus’ apostles and a key figure in the early church.
Philip: “Lover of horses.” One of the twelve apostles.
Reuben: “Behold, a son.” The eldest son of Jacob.
Samson: “Sun.” Known for his great strength.
Samuel: “God has heard.” A prophet and judge.
Seth: “Appointed.” Adam and Eve’s third son.
Simon: “God has heard.” One of the twelve apostles, also known as Peter.
Solomon: “Peace.” Son of David and Bathsheba, known for his wisdom.
Jared: “Descending” or “ruler.”
Lemuel: “Devoted to God.”
Mahlon: “Sickness” or “Song.”
Zebulun: “Honor” or “Dwelling.”
Jotham: “The Lord is perfect” or “upright.”
Obed: “Servant” or “Worshiper of God.”
Asa: “Healer” or “Physician.”
Jabez: “He causes pain” or “borne in pain.”
Hiram: “Exalted brother” or “Noble.”
Nadab: “Generous” or “Noble.”
Biblical Baby Names for Girls
Moving on to girl names from the Bible, you’ll find a collection filled with grace and beauty. These names tell tales of courage, compassion, and wisdom. They range from Esther, a queen known for her bravery and advocacy, to Mary, a name that echoes through time with purity and devotion. Each name offers not just a beautiful sound but a story of strength and virtue, perfect for a little girl stepping into a world full of possibilities. Let’s take a look at these names, each one carrying its own special history and meaning.
Abigail: “Father’s joy.” David’s intelligent and beautiful wife.
Anna: “Grace.” A prophetess who recognized Jesus as the Messiah.
Bethany: “House of figs.” The town near Jerusalem where Jesus visited Martha and Mary.
Chloe: “Green shoot.” Mentioned in Corinthians as a house church leader.
Deborah: “Bee.” A prophetess and judge of Israel.
Delilah: “Delicate.” Known for her role in Samson’s story.
Dinah: “Judged.” Daughter of Jacob.
Elizabeth: “God is abundance.” Mother of John the Baptist.
Esther: “Star.” A queen who saved her people.
Eve: “Living.” The first woman.
Hannah: “Favor, grace.” Samuel’s mother is known for her devout faith.
Jael: “Mountain goat.” Known for her role in the story of Deborah in the Book of Judges.
Joanna: “God is gracious.” A follower of Jesus.
Judith: “Jewish woman.” Known for her courage.
Leah: “Weary.” Jacob’s first wife.
Lydia: “Woman from Lydia.” A convert and supporter of Paul.
Biblical Baby Names for Girls Continued
Martha: “Lady, mistress.” Sister of Mary and Lazarus, known for her service to Jesus.
Mary: “Beloved, wished-for child.” Mother of Jesus.
Miriam: “Wished-for child.” Moses’ sister.
Naomi: “Pleasantness.” Ruth’s mother-in-law.
Phoebe: “Bright, pure.” A deaconess in the early church.
Priscilla: “Ancient.” A teacher and leader in the early church.
Rachel: “Ewe.” Jacob’s beloved wife.
Rebekah: “To tie, bind.” Isaac’s wife.
Ruth: “Companion, friend.” Known for her loyalty and love.
Sapphira: “Sapphire.” Known for the story of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts.
Sarah: “Princess.” Abraham’s wife and Isaac’s mother.
Shiphrah: “Beautiful.” A midwife who saved Hebrew babies.
Susanna: “Lily.” A supporter of Jesus and his disciples.
Tabitha: “Gazelle.” Known for her good deeds and charity in Acts.
Tamar: “Date palm.” A figure in the Book of Genesis.
Zilpah: “Drooping.” Leah’s handmaid.
Atarah: “Crown” or “Blessed.”
Keturah: “Incense” or “Fragrance.”
Lois: “Better” or “More desirable.”
Milcah: “Queen” or “Counsel.”
Drusilla: “Watered by the dew” or “Strong one.”
Orpah: “Back of the neck” or “Fawn.”
Tirzah: “She is my delight” or “Pleasantness.”
Zipporah: “Bird” or “Beauty.”
Jael: “Mountain goat” or “Ascending.”
Keziah: “Cassia tree” or “Sweet-scented spice.”
Gender-Neutral Biblical Baby Names
For gender-neutral names from the Bible, you’re in for something special. These names are like a bridge, fitting for both boys and girls, and they come with beautiful stories and meanings. Names like Jordan, a river with deep significance, or Ariel, a name rich with strength, offer great options no matter the gender of your child. These names aren’t just about being modern or trendy; they’re about timeless qualities and stories that are relevant for any child. Let’s check out these names, each with a touch of history and a lot of heart.
Jordan: “To flow down.” A significant river in the Holy Land.
Micah: “Who is like God?” A prophet.
Ariel: “Lion of God.” A symbolic name for Jerusalem.
Eden: “Pleasure, delight.” The Garden of Eden.
Shiloh: “Peace.” A prophetic name referring to a place of rest.
Carmel: “Garden.” A mountain range in Israel.
Dakota: “Friend, ally.” Though not directly biblical, it conveys a sense of companionship.
Emmanuel: “God with us.” A name for Jesus.
Morgan: “Sea circle.” A modern name with a sense of vastness and depth.
Reese: “Ardor.” Conveys passion and enthusiasm.
Sage: “Wise.” Reflects wisdom and clarity.
Sky: “Sky.” Suggests openness and infinity.
Taylor: “Cutter of cloth.” A modern profession-based name.
Quinn: “Wise, intelligent.” A name that implies smartness and insight.
Casey: “Vigilant, watchful.” A modern name with a sense of alertness and care.
Gender-Neutral Biblical Baby Names Continued
Riley: “Valiant.” Conveys bravery and courage.
Kendall: “Valley of the River Kent.” A geographical name with a sense of place.
Blair: “Field or plain.” A name connected to nature and openness.
Azariah: “Helped by God.”
Damaris: “Gentle” or “Calf.”
Elon: “Oaktree” or “Strong.”
Elisha: “God is salvation.”
Jesse: “Gift” or “God exists.”
Jordan: “Flowing down” or “Descender.”
Micaiah: “Who is like the Lord?”
Shiloh: “His gift” or “Peace.”
Tobiah: “The Lord is good.”
Zion: “Highest point” or “Sign.”
Final Thoughts on Biblical Baby Names
This extensive list of biblical names, each with its unique meaning and historical significance, offers a wealth of options for parents seeking a name with deep roots and spiritual meaning. Whether your preference leans towards traditional or more modern interpretations, these names connect to a rich religious and cultural heritage.