
Rice Purity Test is a Viral Sensation Among Teens

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You might have heard about the Rice Purity Test from your teens. You might be wondering what it is, and if your kid has taken it, what should you do? Let’s break it down.

What Is the Rice Purity Test?

The Rice Purity Test, originating in the Thresher in the 1920s at Rice University in Texas, has evolved significantly from its early days. Initially, this 100 question, self-graded survey was a playful tradition among college students to gauge their life experiences. The checklist, featuring a wide array of questions, spans from everyday activities to more daring adventures. Over the years, it has transformed from a localized university activity into a widely recognized online phenomenon, attracting high school and college students nationwide who participate either for fun or out of curiosity. This modern version maintains the essence of the original but has adapted to reflect contemporary experiences and social norms.

What a Rice Purity Test Usually Includes 

A typical Rice Purity Test includes questions that range from innocent activities to more mature content. It might start with simple things like holding hands, kissing, or staying out past curfew. As the test progresses, questions often become more adult in nature, touching on topics like drinking, romantic relationships, and other experiences.

Caution!!! Some of the questions may be highly offensive, and are only posted here to give you an idea about the types of questions that your child may be answering online. If you want to skip this section entirely, feel free to go to the scoring section.

  1. Held hands romantically?
  2. Been on a date?
  3. Been in a relationship?
  4. Danced without leaving room for Jesus?
  5. Kissed a non-family member?
  6. Kissed a non-family member on the lips?
  7. French kissed?
  8. French kissed in public?
  9. Kissed on the neck?
  10. Kissed horizontally?
  11. Given or received a hickey?
  12. Kissed or been kissed on the breast?
  13. Kissed someone below the belt?
  14. Kissed for more than two hours consecutively?
  15. Played a game involving stripping?
  16. Seen or been seen by another person in a sensual context?
  17. Masturbated?
  18. Masturbated to a picture or video?
  19. Masturbated while someone else was in the room?
  20. Been caught masturbating?
  21. Masturbated with an inanimate object?
  22. Seen or read pornographic material?
  23. Massaged or been massaged sensually?
  24. Gone through the motions of intercourse while fully dressed?
  25. Undressed or been undressed by a member of the preferred sex?
  26. Showered with a member of the preferred sex?
  27. Fondled or had your butt cheeks fondled?
  28. Fondled or had your breasts fondled?
  29. Fondled or had your genitals fondled?
  30. Had or given “blue balls”?
  31. Had an orgasm due to someone else’s manipulation?
  32. Sent a sexually explicit text or instant message?
  33. Sent or received sexually explicit photographs?
  34. Engaged in sexually explicit activity over video chat?
  35. Cheated on a significant other during a relationship?
  36. Purchased contraceptives?
  37. Engaged in fellatio?
  38. Engaged in cunnilingus?
  39. Ingested someone else’s genital secretion?
  40. Used a sex toy with a partner?
  41. Spent the night with a member of the preferred sex?
  42. Been walked in on while engaging in a sexual act?
  43. Kicked a roommate out to commit a sexual act?
  44. Ingested alcohol in a non-religious context?
  45. Played a drinking game?
  46. Been drunk?
  47. Faked sobriety to parents or teachers?
  48. Had severe memory loss due to alcohol?
  49. Used tobacco?
  50. Used marijuana?
  51. Used a drug stronger than marijuana?
  52. Used methamphetamine, crack cocaine, PCP, horse tranquilizers, or heroin?
  53. Been sent to the office of a principal, dean, or judicial affairs representative for a disciplinary infraction?
  54. Been put on disciplinary probation or suspended?
  55. Urinated in public?
  56. Gone skinny dipping?
  57. Gone streaking?
  58. Seen a stripper?
  59. Been the stripper?
  60. Paid or been paid for a sexual act?
  61. Committed an act of voyeurism?
  62. Committed an act of incest?
  63. Engaged in bestiality?
  64. Having sexual relations while on a video call?
  65. Have you had sex in a college room or a shared apartment?
  66. Had sexual relations with a sex worker or escort?
  67. Used sex-related websites or apps to look for a partner?
  68. Having sexual relations with someone you met at a party?
  69. Had sex in a tent or while camping?
  70. Having sexual encounters that involve being bound or restrained?
  71. Had sex on a video call?
  72. Had sexual relations with a sex worker or escort?
  73. Used sex-related websites or apps to look for a partner?
  74. Having sexual relations with someone you met at a party?
  75. Had sex in a tent or while camping?
  76. Having sexual encounters that involve being bound or restrained?
  77. Had a sexual or love relationship with a teacher or other adult in charge?
  78. Have you been sexually active while pretending to be dominating or submissive?
  79. Have you ever had sex in a public bathroom or stall?
  80. Having sexual relations with more than one person at the same time?
  81. Using a fake name or identity when having sex?
  82. Participated in sexual acts while high on prescription drugs?
  83. Had sex with someone who looked like a pop star?
  84. Have you played with temperature in a sexual way (ice, hot wax, etc.)?
  85. Had sex with someone you met on social media at first?
  86. Have you done sexual acts with blindfolds or without using your senses?
  87. Had sex in a place where you could have been caught or found?
  88. Did you do sexual things while pretending to be a doctor, nurse, or patient?
  89. Had sex somewhere where other people might have been able to see or hear you?
  90. Did you do sexual things while you were on holiday or a getaway?
  91. Had sex in a holy building or place of worship?
  92. Having sexual encounters that include beating or impact play?
  93. Had sex with someone you knew less than 24 hours ago?
  94. Having sexual relations in a parked car in a public place?
  95. Had sex in a campground or public park?
  96. Used chains or bondage furniture while engaging in sexual activities?
  97. Have you ever had sex at work or in an office?
  98. Having sexual encounters with food as part of pre-sex or during sex?
  99. Have you ever had sex in a change room?
  100. Taking part in sexual activities that involve showing off or doing sexual acts for other people?

Rice Purity Test Scoring System Explained

  • The test consists of 100 questions about various life experiences.
  • Each “Yes” answer is typically scored as one point.
  • The final score is calculated based on the number of points earned. If you answer “Yes” to 30 out of 100 questions, your score would be 70.
  • The more points scored, the less “pure” or more experienced the person is considered to be according to the test’s standards.
  • The more points scored, the less “pure” or more experienced the person is considered to be according to the test’s standards.

The scoring is inverted from what one might expect. The higher your score (closer to 100), the more “pure” or inexperienced you are considered to be. Conversely, a lower score indicates a greater number of experiences. Here’s a rough breakdown:

  • Score 100-90: Very innocent or less experienced in certain life aspects.
  • Score 89-70: Moderately innocent, some life experiences.
  • Score 69-50: Experienced in various life aspects.
  • Score 49-30: Very experienced.
  • Score 29-0: Extremely experienced.

Your Teen Has Taken the Test, Now What?

First off, don’t panic. It’s common for teens to be curious and explore such things, especially in groups or when prompted by friends. Here’s what you can do:

  1. Open a Conversation: Talk to them about it without judgment. It’s a chance to understand their perspective and share your values.
  2. Discuss Privacy: Remind them that sharing too much personal information online can be risky. Their test results are their business, and it’s okay to keep some things private. It’s important to advise our kids not to broadcast their test results. In the digital age, once something is out there, it’s tough to take back. Plus, these results can be taken out of context or used against them.
  3. Educate on Consent and Respect: It’s important to teach our kids about respecting their bodies and understanding consent. The test might bring up topics that are perfect for this discussion. Our bodies are ours, and we get to choose what we do with them. It’s important to communicate this to our teens. They should never feel pressured to match what others are doing or what a test says.

It’s important for us as parents to be aware of the Rice Purity Test. It’s easy for teens to overshare personal information online, and this test can be a gateway to that. Let’s talk to them about online privacy and the impact of sharing too much. Our goal is to help them understand the importance of discretion in the digital age. Keeping an open line of communication is crucial for guiding them to make smart choices online.

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Hi! I'm Jen, and I'm thrilled you stopped by!

I am a certified life coach, mother of five, wife, founder of the non-profit Eye on Vision Foundation, entrepreneur, Christian, and friend. I live, play, work and worship in the Orlando, Florida area.

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