
Summer Preschool Crafts That Keep Kids Happy and Busy

Keeping little ones entertained during the summer can be a real challenge. But it’s also the perfect time to get creative and crafty with them. Summer preschool crafts are a great way to bond, teach new skills, and keep those little hands busy. Let’s explore some easy and fun projects that you can do with your preschooler. Each one is simple, uses everyday materials, and promises loads of fun.

A painted seashell necklace made with vibrant, colorful shells threaded onto a string with a few beads, arranged in a circle on a sandy beach background, capturing the essence of summer crafts.

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Paper Plate Sunflowers

Paper plates are a staple in any craft supply closet. They are versatile and perfect for creating beautiful sunflowers. Here’s what you need: a few paper plates, yellow paint, a paintbrush, glue, and some sunflower seeds.

Start by painting the rim of the paper plate yellow. This will be the petals of the sunflower. Once the paint dries, apply glue to the center of the plate and sprinkle sunflower seeds on it. Let everything dry, and voilà, you have a beautiful paper plate sunflower! This craft is not only fun but also helps with fine motor skills and sensory play.

Handprint Fish: Summer Preschool Crafts

Handprint crafts are always a hit with preschoolers. They love getting their hands messy, and you get a cute keepsake. For this project, you will need some colorful construction paper, paint, a black marker, and googly eyes.

First, paint your child’s hand and have them press it onto the paper to create the fish’s body. Once the paint dries, you can add details like fins, bubbles, and underwater plants with the marker and additional pieces of paper. Stick on a googly eye, and you’ve got a fun, fishy friend. This craft is great for developing hand-eye coordination and creativity.

Popsicle Stick Flags

With just a few popsicle sticks, paint, and glue, you can create adorable little flags. This craft is perfect for celebrating the Fourth of July or just learning about different countries. Gather your materials: popsicle sticks, paint in various colors, a small paintbrush, and some glue.

Begin by painting the sticks in your chosen colors. Let them dry completely. Next, arrange the sticks side by side to form a rectangle and glue them together. Once the glue is dry, you can add stars, stripes, or any other design to complete your flag. This activity helps preschoolers with color recognition and patterning.

Summer Preschool Crafts: Egg Carton Caterpillars

Don’t throw away those empty egg cartons! They can be transformed into adorable caterpillars. You will need an egg carton, some paint, pipe cleaners, and googly eyes.

Cut the egg carton into strips, so each strip has three or four cups. Paint each cup in bright colors and let them dry. Once dry, poke two small holes in the top of the first cup and insert pipe cleaners to create antennae. Glue on googly eyes, and your caterpillar is ready to crawl. This craft is fantastic for teaching kids about insects and promoting imaginative play.

Colorful bottle cap bugs with painted caps, googly eyes, and pipe cleaner legs and antennae, displayed on a green grass background.

Bottle Cap Bugs

Save those bottle caps because they make perfect bug bodies for this craft. You’ll need bottle caps, paint, googly eyes, pipe cleaners, and glue.

Paint the bottle caps in bright colors and let them dry. Once dry, glue on the googly eyes. Use pipe cleaners to create legs and antennae. Bend and twist the pipe cleaners as needed to give your bug some personality. This craft is wonderful for enhancing fine motor skills and teaching kids about recycling.

Shell Necklaces

If you’ve been to the beach, you probably have a collection of shells. Turn those shells into beautiful necklaces. Gather some shells, paint, string, and beads.

First, paint the shells in bright, summery colors. Once they are dry, thread a string through the holes in the shells. Add beads to the string for extra flair. Tie the ends of the string together to form a necklace. This craft is perfect for developing hand-eye coordination and fine motor skills.

A cone made from construction paper with crumpled tissue paper scoops in various colors, set against a light blue background. Summer preschool crafts.

Tissue Paper Ice Cream Cones

Ice cream is a summer favorite, and making these tissue paper ice cream cones is just as delightful. You will need colored tissue paper, construction paper, glue, and scissors.

Cut out a triangle from the construction paper to serve as the cone. Crumple up pieces of tissue paper to form the ice cream scoops. Glue the tissue paper onto the top of the cone, layering different colors to make a multi-scoop treat. This craft helps with color recognition and creativity.

Variation: Make it 3D! Form the construction paper into a 3D cone shape. Then, ball up the tissue paper and connect it to a craft stick. Place the sticks with the ice cream ball at the end within the 3D cone.

Summer Preschool Crafts: Nature Collage

A nature walk is a great way to gather supplies for this craft. Collect leaves, flowers, twigs, and small stones. You will also need some glue and a piece of cardboard.

Spread glue on the cardboard and let your child arrange their nature treasures on it to create a beautiful collage. This activity is perfect for teaching kids about nature and encouraging their creativity.

Bubble Wrap Printing

Bubble wrap is not just for packing. It’s also great for printing! You will need bubble wrap, paint, and paper.

Paint the bubble wrap in various colors and press it onto a piece of paper. Lift the bubble wrap to reveal a unique and textured print. This craft is fun and helps kids explore textures and patterns.

Ice Painting: Summer Preschool Crafts

Beat the heat with some ice painting. Freeze water mixed with food coloring in ice cube trays. Once frozen, use the colorful ice cubes to paint on paper.

As the ice melts, it creates beautiful watercolor effects. This craft is a cool way to explore colors and textures while keeping kids engaged.

Pinecone Bird Feeders

Turn pinecones into bird feeders with a little peanut butter and birdseed. You’ll need pinecones, peanut butter, birdseed, and string.

Spread peanut butter on the pinecones and roll them in birdseed. Tie a string to the top and hang them in your yard. This activity teaches kids about nature and helps our feathered friends.

Smooth rocks painted with bright childlike designs like animals and patterns, scattered on a grassy background.

Painted Rocks

Collect some smooth rocks and turn them into art pieces with a little paint. You will need rocks, paint, and brushes.

Paint the rocks with fun designs, like animals, patterns, or even faces. Once dry, these rocks can be used as garden decorations or paperweights. This craft encourages creativity and fine motor skills.

Yarn-Wrapped Letters

Help your child learn their letters with this fun yarn-wrapping craft. You will need cardboard, yarn, and scissors.

Cut out large letters from the cardboard. Wrap yarn around the letters until they are completely covered. This craft helps with letter recognition and fine motor skills.

Sponge Boats

Make bath time more fun with these sponge boats. You will need sponges, toothpicks, and construction paper.

Cut a small triangle from the construction paper to make a sail. Insert a toothpick into the sail and then into the sponge. Float your sponge boats in water and watch them sail. This craft is great for imaginative play and teaching basic principles of buoyancy.

Small flower pots painted in bright colors, with flowers or herbs planted in them, set on a garden background.

Painted Flower Pots

Brighten up your garden with some painted flower pots. You will need small flower pots, paint, and brushes.

Paint the pots in bright, cheerful colors and let them dry. Once dry, plant some flowers or herbs in them. This craft is perfect for teaching kids about gardening and adding a personal touch to your garden.

Final Thoughts on Preschool Summer Crafts

Summer preschool crafts are a fantastic way to keep your little ones busy while encouraging their creativity and learning. These simple and fun projects use materials you likely already have at home. So, gather your supplies and get crafting. Not only will you create beautiful keepsakes, but you’ll also make lasting memories with your child.

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I am a certified life coach, mother of five, wife, founder of the non-profit Eye on Vision Foundation, entrepreneur, Christian, and friend. I live, play, work and worship in the Orlando, Florida area.

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