
10 St. Patrick’s Day Activities for Toddlers

Discover fun St. Patrick's Day activities for toddlers! Engage in crafts, treasure hunts, and music for a magical, family-friendly celebration. Mom with kids.
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You might be wondering how to make this St. Patrick’s Day special for your little ones. Celebrating with toddlers can be a challenge, but don’t worry, I’ve got you covered. Here are some easy, fun activities that will make St. Patrick’s Day a hit for your toddlers. Let’s get into it!

Ten St. Patrick’s Day Fun for Toddlers: Easy and Enjoyable Activities

1. Pot of Gold Hunt

What’s St. Patrick’s Day without a little treasure hunt? Create your own pot of gold hunt at home. Hide some gold chocolate coins around your living room or garden. Give your toddler a little basket or bag and let them search for the ‘gold’. It’s a simple yet exciting activity that will keep them engaged and happy.

2. St. Patrick’s Day Crafts

Crafting is a great way to get your toddler’s creativity flowing. You can make shamrock stamps using bell peppers (just cut them in half, and voila – a shamrock stamp!). Let your kids dip these in green paint and stamp them away on paper. Not only is this fun, but it also introduces them to new textures and colors.

3. Green-Themed Snack Time

Food is a fantastic way to celebrate any holiday. For St. Patrick’s Day, think green! How about making a fruit salad with green fruits like kiwi, grapes, and green apples? Or maybe some green pancakes for breakfast? These yummy treats are sure to be a hit with your little ones.

4. Leprechaun Puppet Show

Get creative and put on a puppet show for your kids. You can make simple leprechaun puppets using socks or paper bags. Draw faces on them, maybe glue some orange yarn for the beard, and put on a show. It’s a great way to entertain your kids and stir up their imaginations.

5. Story Time with Irish Folktales

Reading is always a great activity. Why not introduce your toddler to the world of Irish folktales? There are plenty of child-friendly books out there that tell the stories of leprechauns, rainbows, and pots of gold. It’s a cozy way to wind down the day and get your little ones settled.

6. Rainbow Rice Sensory Bin

Sensory bins are fantastic for toddlers. For St. Patrick’s Day, you can make a rainbow rice bin. Dye rice in different colors (using food coloring), mix them, and let your child play with this vibrant mixture. It’s not only visually appealing but also great for their sensory development.

7. Leprechaun Dance Party

Put on some Irish music and have a dance party with your toddler. It’s a fun way to get some energy out and introduce them to different types of music. You could even teach them a simple Irish jig – laughter and giggles guaranteed!

8. Pot of Gold Treasure Hunt

Turn your home into a magical land where your toddlers can hunt for the leprechaun’s pot of gold. This activity is not only a blast but also great for their problem-solving skills and physical activity.

How to Set it Up:

  • Hide some gold coins (these can be chocolate coins wrapped in gold foil or simple plastic coins) around your house or yard.
  • Create a simple map or a series of clues that lead to the treasure. For toddlers, keep the clues visual – think pictures of the next location or a trail of green footprints.
  • Place a ‘pot of gold’ at the final destination. This could be a small black pot or a bowl filled with
  • hidden coins and some extra treats or St. Patrick’s Day-themed toys.

What’s to Love:

  • It encourages exploration and excitement.
  • It’s a fantastic way to engage their imagination.
  • It’s a playful way to introduce them to the spirit of St. Patrick’s Day.

Discover fun St. Patrick's Day activities for toddlers! Engage in crafts, treasure hunts, and music for a magical, family-friendly celebration. toddler with hat.

9. Leprechaun Hat Craft

Get creative with a hands-on activity that not only is fun but also helps develop fine motor skills. Crafting their own leprechaun hats is a perfect way to get into the St. Patrick’s Day spirit.

Materials Needed:

  • Green construction paper.
  • Scissors (for you to use).
  • Glue.
  • Decorations like stickers, glitter, markers, and anything else fun and festive.


  • Cut a large circle (this will be the brim of the hat) and a strip of paper long enough to form a cylinder (the top of the hat).
  • Let your child decorate the strip of paper with markers, stickers, or glitter.
  • Once they’re done decorating, form the strip into a cylinder and glue it to the center of the large circle.
  • Add any additional decorations to the brim of the hat.

Why It’s Great:

  • It’s a perfect opportunity for your toddlers to be creative.
  • It helps develop their fine motor skills as they handle small decorations.
  • They get a festive hat to show off their work!

10. Shamrock Shakers

Music and dance are great for toddlers, and what better way to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day than with homemade musical instruments?

Materials Needed:

  • Small, empty plastic containers (like water bottles or small milk jugs).
  • Green paint or construction paper.
  • Rice, beans, or beads for the filling.
  • Tape or glue.

How to Make Them:

  • If you’re using paint, let your toddler paint the containers green. If using construction paper, wrap and glue the paper around the containers.
  • Fill the containers with a handful of rice, beans, or beads. This will create the sound when they shake them.
  • Secure the lids tightly with tape or glue, ensuring the contents can’t spill out.


  • Making the shakers is a fun sensory activity.
  • Once made, they double as a fantastic way to introduce rhythm and music.
  • It’s a joyful way to get your toddler moving and dancing to their own beat.

Discover fun St. Patrick's Day activities for toddlers! Engage in crafts, treasure hunts, and music for a magical, family-friendly celebration. craft room

These St. Patrick’s Day activities for toddlers are perfect, and easy for you to organize, and sure to bring smiles and laughter to your home. So, grab your green gear and get ready for a day filled with fun and festive activities!

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I am a certified life coach, mother of five, wife, founder of the non-profit Eye on Vision Foundation, entrepreneur, Christian, and friend. I live, play, work and worship in the Orlando, Florida area.

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