
Find Your Parenting Type – What’s Your Style?

Why are you here reading this post right now? Because you’re pondering the million-dollar question – what kind of parent am I? We’ve all been there, right? Balancing sippy cups and sanity, we often find ourselves reflecting on our parenting styles. So, let’s kick back (yes, you can ignore the laundry for now) and have a quick talk about the different types of parenting.

parenting types - mom with daughter
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The “Do-As-I-Say” Type: Authoritarian Parenting

You know the type. Rules are rules, and there’s no room for negotiation. Authoritarian parents run a tight ship with clear expectations and consequences. These moms and dads believe in structure and obedience. Think of it as the ‘because I said so’ approach. While it might sound a bit strict, these parents have their hearts in the right place – they’re all about preparing their kids to respect authority and understand limits.

The “Let’s Talk About It” Type: Authoritative Parenting

Authoritative parenting is like the cool cousin of authoritarian parenting. These parents also have rules and guidelines, but they’re more about open communication. They’re the ones who’ll sit down and explain the why behind a rule, and they’re open to hearing their kid’s point of view. It’s all about balance – setting boundaries while nurturing independence and self-esteem.

The “You’ve Got This!” Type: Permissive Parenting

Ever heard of a “Yes Day?!” Permissive parents are the laid-back ones in the parenting world. They’re more about being a friend than an enforcer. These moms and dads are pretty chill when it comes to rules and are more likely to shrug off a bit of mischief. Their mantra? Kids will be kids. The upside is a warm, nurturing environment. The challenge? Sometimes kids need a bit more structure.

The “Hands-Off” Type: Uninvolved Parenting

Then there’s the uninvolved parenting style. These parents sort of let their kids figure things out on their own. They provide the basics, like food and shelter, but they’re not super involved in their kids’ day-to-day lives. It’s not necessarily about neglect; sometimes, these parents are just overwhelmed with their own stuff or believe in letting kids learn from natural consequences.

The “Mix-And-Match” Type: Eclectic Parenting

This is where a lot of us probably find ourselves. We’re a blend of different styles, picking and choosing what works best for our family. One day we might be more permissive, and the next, we’re laying down the law. It’s all about adapting to what our kids need at that moment and learning as we go.

The “Follow Your Heart” Type: Attachment Parenting

This style is all about creating a strong emotional bond with your child. Think baby-wearing, co-sleeping, and being super responsive to your child’s needs. These parents are the ones who believe in the power of closeness to foster security and confidence in their kids. It’s like being your child’s emotional GPS – always there to guide and comfort.

The “Let’s Make a Deal” Type: Negotiable Parenting

Negotiable parenting is a bit like being a diplomat. These parents are the masters of compromise and often involve their kids in decision-making processes. It’s less about laying down the law and more about finding a middle ground. Picture family meetings where everyone gets a say and rules are more like guidelines. It’s a bit like running a tiny, democratic household.

The “Learn As You Go” Type: Intuitive Parenting

Then there’s Intuitive Parenting, which is pretty much what it sounds like. These parents trust their gut and parent based on instinct rather than a specific set of rules or guidelines. They’re the moms and dads who might not read every parenting book but instead lean on their natural understanding of their child’s needs.

The “Culture-Driven” Type: Cultural Parenting

Cultural Parenting is where traditions and heritage play a big role. These parents blend their own cultural background into their parenting style. It’s about passing down beliefs, practices, and customs from one generation to the next. For these families, it’s not just about raising kids; it’s about preserving a legacy and instilling a strong sense of identity.

The “Tech-Savvy” Type: Modern Parenting

Let’s not forget Modern Parenting in our digital age. These parents are all about incorporating technology into their parenting toolkit. From educational apps to online communities for advice, they leverage the digital world to enhance their parenting experience. They’re the ones who might be tracking their toddler’s milestones on an app or following parenting influencers for tips.

Final Thoughts

So, there you have it – a quick rundown of the different parenting types. But let’s be real; no one fits neatly into just one category. We’re all doing our best, figuring it out one step at a time. The key is to find what works for you and your kiddos. And remember, at the end of the day, we’re all in this together – navigating the highs, the lows, and everything in between.

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Hi! I'm Jen, and I'm thrilled you stopped by!

I am a certified life coach, mother of five, wife, founder of the non-profit Eye on Vision Foundation, entrepreneur, Christian, and friend. I live, play, work and worship in the Orlando, Florida area.

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