
Top 5 Home Remedies for Constipation

Are you backed up? Do you or your little ones suffer from constipation? If so, you’re not alone. Constipation is a common digestive issue that can leave you feeling bloated, uncomfortable, and downright frustrated. You are in luck, though, there are several effective home remedies for constipation you can try first!

female feet and panties shown sitting on a toilet holding toilet paper with the mood of constipation

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What is Constipation?

Let’s define constipation and its causes. Constipation occurs when bowel movements become infrequent or difficult to pass. What plays a role in this uncomfortable condition?

  • not getting enough fiber in the diet
  • not drinking enough water
  • being too inactive
  • taking certain medications

So seriously, what can we do to relieve constipation? Many treatments have been used successfully for generations. From prunes to water, there are plenty of natural remedies that can help get things moving again.

Constipation can be such a frustrating and uncomfortable experience, and I want to help you find relief naturally. Trust me, these remedies are tried and true, and I’m excited for you to give them a shot too!

Home Remedies for Constipation


home remedies for constipation - plate of prunes surrounded by whole fruits

Oh, prunes! Do you remember the wise words of your grandmother? “Eat your prunes, they’ll keep you regular,” she used to say. And you know what? She was right! So, don’t be afraid to take Grandma’s advice and give prunes a try!

Prunes are simply dried plums, and they’re loaded with fiber, sorbitol, and other nutrients that can promote regular bowel movements. One prune contains about 1 gram of fiber, making it a great addition to any diet.

But how exactly do prunes help with constipation? Well, the fiber in prunes adds bulk to your stool, making it easier to pass. Meanwhile, the sorbitol in prunes works as a natural laxative, helping to stimulate bowel movements.

It’s important to start with small amounts to avoid any digestive discomfort. Try eating just a few prunes per day and gradually increase as needed. It’s also important to stay hydrated, as fiber can absorb water and make stool harder to pass.

How can you add prunes to your diet?

  • eat them as a snack
  • add them to oatmeal or yogurt
  • blend them into smoothies for a fiber-packed breakfast

How to ensure the best self-life for prunes?

  • don’t choose ones with extra sugars or preservatives
  • store in an airtight container
  • keep prunes in a cool, dry place

This will help them last longer. Keep these tips in mind to ensure you always have a reliable constipation home remedy at hand!

Flaxseeds as a Home Remedy for Constipation

Flaxseeds, those diminutive, minuscule granules, indeed possess immense potential. These microscopic brown or golden kernels, derived from the flax plant, pack a punch in soluble and insoluble fiber that helps increase the bulkiness of stool and alleviate constipation. Furthermore, their anti-inflammatory omega-3 fatty acids could do wonders for appeasing the irritable bowel.

Incorporating flaxseeds into one’s dietary regimen can be a challenging feat. Nonetheless, fear not, for grinding up these teensy-weensy seeds in a blender can make them easier to digest. Their powdery form renders them pliable enough to be added to breakfast oatmeal or smoothies, mixed with preferred yogurt flavors, or even assimilated as an ingredient in baked goods like bran muffins and cinnamon bread. Creativity is the key to incorporating these “little giants” into your diet.

However, caution is necessary when consuming flaxseeds. One must start with a small quantity of seeds and gradually increase the quantity over time. A sudden surge in fiber intake can exacerbate constipation. It is important to keep yourself hydrated when consuming flaxseeds to facilitate bowel movements.

Home Remedy for Constipation – Water

Water is a 100% essential component of maintaining good health. However, it’s also an enigmatic liquid that can aid in bowel movements. Let’s delve into why hydration is essential for proper digestion. You see, water is imperative for breaking down and absorbing nutrients from the food we consume.

It’s important to note that if we fail to consume an adequate amount of water, our digestive system’s efficacy will undoubtedly decline. Consequently, a cascade of undesirable digestive complications could follow, including, but not limited to, the troublesome and uncomfortable issue of constipation.

home remedies for constipation - glass of water being held by a female hand

But how exactly does water aid in relieving constipation? It’s simple!! When our body is dehydrated, our stool solidifies, causing difficulty during bowel movements. However, when we consume sufficient water, it softens the stool, making it easier to pass through our system.

Ah, but a puzzling query looms: what amount of this life-sustaining liquid is necessary to relieve constipation? The well-known guidance states that a minimum of eight glasses or 64 ounces of fluid per day should suffice. However, for those experiencing constipation, perhaps an elevation in the recommended intake is in order. Indeed, a thought to ponder: could consuming more than eight glasses of fluid each day help ease the passage of stools through the digestive tract?

Of course, drinking plain water every day can be monotonous. But don’t worry, friends, there are several ways to make drinking water easier.

For example, you can add refreshing fruits and vegetables like lemon, cucumber, or berries to your water to give it a flavorful kick!

You can also opt for herbal tea or decaf coffee for variation while still keeping your body hydrated.

Consider snacking on some nutrient-dense fruits, bursting with moisture, like luscious watermelon, crisp cucumbers, and succulent strawberries, to nourish your body and quench your thirst simultaneously.

Let it become customary to keep a sustainable and convenient water bottle with you at all times, as a friendly reminder to hydrate your parched palate at frequent intervals throughout the day.

Fiber: Home Remedy for Constipation

Fiber can be very helpful for people who have trouble going to the bathroom. Stools are easier to go through when they are soft and have more bulk because of fiber.

Which high-fiber foods can you add to your diet?

  • fruits (raspberries, berries, and mangos)
  • veggies (broccoli, spinach, and carrots)
  • whole grains (brown rice, quinoa, and whole wheat bread)

Don’t go overboard, though! Eating too much fiber too quickly can actually make your constipation worse! So, make sure to gradually introduce these foods into your diet and drink plenty of water to help things move along.

One of my favorite ways to eat more fiber-rich foods is to make a salad with lots of different veggies (those should be organic if you can). Plus points if you serve it with whole-grain bread. It’s simple, quick, and tasty!

Adding high-fiber foods to your kitchen pantry is going to be a huge step in winning the battle against constipation. Your digestive system will thank you!

Exercise and Constipation Help

When you work out, your body moves, which starts a chain reaction in your digestive system that moves trash around more quickly. For the most part, exercise makes the muscles in your digestive system work harder, which helps get trash out of your body.

There are many workouts that can help your digestion, which is great. Do things like yoga, walk, jog, and ride a bike. Better blood flow to your digestive system and a wake-up call for the muscles in your stomach make it easy to go to the bathroom.

home remedies for constipation - woman in black exercise clothing in a yoga pose forming an uppercase T with her body

The most important question you have right now is: how do I find time to work out?

As a way to start adding exercise to your day, take a short walk around the block after dinner or do some yoga first thing in the morning.

There are creative ways to fit exercise into your day. Do some squats while you brush your teeth or take the stairs instead of the lift. Do little things and see how they change things.

Final Thoughts on Our 5 Recommended Home Remedies for Constipation

First up, we have prunes! These sweet and wrinkly fruits are simply amazing when it comes to getting things moving again. I mean, who would have thought that such a yummy snack could be a natural miracle worker for your bowels?

Next, we have flaxseeds. Don’t let their small size fool you! Flaxseeds are truly a powerhouse, that packs a serious punch when it comes to fiber and omega-3s, and you don’t want to underestimate them! These little guys have been a lifesaver for me and have helped me stay regular, like clockwork.

Don’t forget to drink lots of water to keep your digestive system running smoothly.

Eating high-fiber foods is like a secret weapon for a healthy gut. My grandmother used to say, “An apple a day keeps the constipation away!” She was right; foods like fruits, vegetables, and whole grains do wonders for digestion. Not only are they good for your health, but they also taste great!

Finally, staying active is key. Moving around helps your digestive system function better. It’s especially important for us moms to take care of our health. Let’s prioritize our wellbeing and try these home remedies for constipation!

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Hi! I'm Jen, and I'm thrilled you stopped by!

I am a certified life coach, mother of five, wife, founder of the non-profit Eye on Vision Foundation, entrepreneur, Christian, and friend. I live, play, work and worship in the Orlando, Florida area.

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