
Braces-Friendly Food: Food You Can Eat with Braces

Getting braces is a big step towards a gorgeous smile, but it comes with a twist: you need to be a bit picky with your food choices. Some foods can be real troublemakers for braces, getting stuck or causing damage. But don’t stress! There’s a whole world of tasty, braces-friendly food waiting for you. This post will outline food you CAN eat with braces, as well as show you which foods you may want to avoid.

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Food You Can Eat With Braces and Why Being Choosy Matters

Wearing braces means playing it safe with what you eat. Some foods can sneak into your brackets or wires, making cleaning tough and risking tooth decay. Worse, they can damage your braces, causing pain and unexpected dentist trips.

Braces-Friendly Foods: Your New Best Friends

Foods that are soft and easy to chew are your new go-tos. Think about soft fruits like bananas or steamed veggies – they’re gentle on your braces and delicious. Dairy products, packed with protein, are also great. They’re soft, nutritious, and keep your braces happy.

Meal Ideas That Make Braces Life Easy

Let’s talk meals. For breakfast, how about smooth yogurt with soft fruits? It’s a no-fuss, braces-safe start to your day. Lunch could be a smoothie packed with your favorite fruits and a bit of spinach – it’s like a tasty nutrient bomb that’s braces-approved. Dinner might be tender chicken or fish with steamed vegetables. These foods are easy on your braces and filling too.

Here is a List of Braces-Friendly Foods

Soft Fruits and Vegetables

  1. Bananas
  2. Steamed Carrots
  3. Applesauce
  4. Berries (like strawberries and blueberries)
  5. Steamed Spinach
  6. Boiled Potatoes
  7. Cucumber (cut into small, manageable pieces)

Dairy Products

  1. Yogurt
  2. Soft Cheeses (like mozzarella or brie)
  3. Cottage Cheese
  4. Milkshakes or Smoothies (without hard ingredients)

Grains and Breads

  1. Soft Breads (without hard crusts)
  2. Pasta
  3. Rice
  4. Oatmeal
  5. Soft Tortillas


  1. Tofu
  2. Eggs (scrambled, poached, or boiled)
  3. Soft Cooked Chicken or Turkey (avoid tough or chewy cuts)
  4. Fish (without bones)
  5. Meatballs (make sure they’re tender)

Snacks and Sweets

  1. Pudding
  2. Jelly
  3. Soft Cakes (like sponge or angel food cake)
  4. Ice Cream (without nuts or hard mix-ins)
  5. Soft Cookies (avoid hard or sticky varieties)


  1. Water
  2. Milk
  3. Juices (without pulp)
  4. Herbal Teas (avoid sugary drinks as they can increase the risk of cavities)

General Tips About Food You Can and Cannot Eat With Braces

  • Cut foods into small pieces to make them easier to chew.
  • Avoid sticky, hard, and chewy foods that can damage braces, like caramel, nuts, hard candies, and gum.
  • Cook vegetables until they’re soft to make them easier to eat.
  • Be cautious with sugary foods and drinks, as they can increase the risk of tooth decay, especially with braces.

Maintaining good oral hygiene is important when wearing braces, so be sure to brush and floss regularly and visit your orthodontist for regular check-ups.

Meal Ideas for Braces Wearers

Do you find yourself getting bored with your daily meals? A change of pace is in order, so here are some tasty and nutritious meal suggestions that won’t damage your braces. Here are some terrific sustenance choices for each meal of the day and between.

Breakfast Options:

  • Greek yogurt with berries and granola: This is a perfect breakfast option that’s high in protein, calcium, and fiber. Plus, the soft texture of the yogurt and berries won’t damage your braces.
  • Smoothie bowl: Blend up some frozen fruits and veggies with milk or yogurt, and top it off with some granola and nuts. This is a super tasty and healthy breakfast option that’s also easy to chew.
  • Scrambled eggs with avocado toast: Eggs are a great source of protein and minerals, while avocado toast gives scrambled eggs fiber and good fats. Just make sure to cut the bread into bite-sized pieces to protect your braces.
food you can eat with braces - avocado toast and egg on a white plate with fork

Lunch Options:

  • Grilled chicken salad: Load up your salad with some grilled chicken, soft greens, and other veggies of your choice. Dress it up with a soft dressing like balsamic vinaigrette.
  • Vegetable soup with soft bread: Warm up with a delicious vegetable soup, and dip some soft bread into it. It’s the perfect lunch option for a cold day.
  • Soft sandwich: Use soft bread like pita or tortilla, and fill it up with your favorite meats, veggies, and spreads. Cut it into bite-sized pieces to make it easy to eat with braces.

Dinner Options for Food You Can Eat With Braces:

  • Soft fish with steamed veggies: Fish is a great source of protein and healthy fats, and it’s also soft and easy to chew. Pair it with some steamed veggies for a healthy and braces-friendly meal.
  • Stir-fry with soft tofu: Tofu is a soft and healthy protein option that’s perfect for braces wearers. Stir-fry it with some soft veggies like mushrooms, onions, and peppers for a delicious and easy dinner option.
  • Soft pasta with meat sauce: Cook some soft pasta like penne or fusilli, and top it off with a delicious meat sauce. It’s an easy and satisfying dinner option that won’t harm your braces.

Snack Ideas:

A braces-friendly dessert should be soft, easy to chew, and not too sugary to avoid any damage to the braces and prevent cavities. One delightful option is a “Mixed Berry and Banana Parfait.” It’s not only braces-friendly but also healthy and delicious. Here’s the recipe:

Mixed Berry and Banana Parfait


  • 1 cup mixed berries (like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries – ensure strawberries are cut into small pieces)
  • 1 ripe banana, sliced
  • 2 cups Greek yogurt (or any soft, flavored yogurt of your choice)
  • 2 tablespoons honey or maple syrup (optional, for sweetness)
  • 1/4 cup granola (optional, choose a soft variety if possible)
  • A few mint leaves for garnish (optional)


Prepare the Fruit:

  • Wash the berries and slice any larger berries into smaller pieces. Slice the banana into thin pieces. This ensures they are soft and easy to chew with braces.
  • In a clear glass or bowl, start by layering a spoonful of yogurt at the bottom.
  • Add a layer of mixed berries and banana slices on top of the yogurt.
  • Drizzle a little honey or maple syrup over the fruit for added sweetness, if desired.
  • Repeat the layers until the glass is almost full, finishing with a layer of yogurt.
  • If using granola, sprinkle a thin layer on top. Make sure it’s a softer variety to be gentle on braces.
  • Garnish with a few mint leaves for a fresh touch.
  • Place the parfaits in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes to chill. This step is optional but can enhance the flavors.
  • Serve chilled for a refreshing and braces-friendly treat.


  • Soft Consistency: Ensure all ingredients are soft and easy to chew.
  • Customize Your Parfait: Feel free to substitute any of the fruits with other soft options like peaches, mango, or kiwi.
  • Sugar Content: Be mindful of the sugar content, especially if using flavored yogurt or additional sweeteners.

This parfait is not only braces-friendly but also nutritious, making it an excellent dessert or snack option for anyone, especially those with braces.


Mixed Berry and Banana Parfait

This parfait is not only braces-friendly but also nutritious, making it an excellent dessert or snack option for anyone, especially those with braces.


  • 1 cup mixed berries like strawberries, blueberries, raspberries – ensure strawberries are cut into small pieces
  • 1 ripe banana sliced
  • 2 cups Greek yogurt or any soft, flavored yogurt of your choice
  • 2 tablespoons honey or maple syrup optional, for sweetness
  • 1/4 cup granola optional, choose a soft variety if possible
  • A few mint leaves for garnish optional


  • Start by preparing the fruit. Wash the berries thoroughly and slice any larger berries into smaller, bite-sized pieces. Peel and slice the banana into thin circles to ensure they are soft and easy to chew with braces.
  • Begin layering your parfait in a clear glass or bowl. Place a spoonful of yogurt at the bottom of the glass. This will be the foundation of your parfait.
  • Add a layer of the mixed berries and banana slices on top of the yogurt layer. Arrange them evenly so you get a bit of each fruit with every spoonful.
  • Drizzle a little honey or maple syrup over the fruit layer if you like your parfait a bit sweeter. This step is optional and can be adjusted according to your taste preference.
  • Continue to layer the yogurt and fruits alternately until the glass is almost full. Make sure to end with a layer of yogurt on top for a neat and tidy presentation.
  • If you are using granola and it’s soft enough for braces, sprinkle a thin layer on top of the final yogurt layer. This adds a nice texture to the parfait but ensure it’s not too hard or crunchy.
  • Garnish the top of the parfait with a few mint leaves for a fresh, aromatic touch. This step is also optional but adds a nice color contrast and a hint of freshness.
  • Once your parfait is assembled, you can either serve it immediately or place it in the refrigerator for about 30 minutes to chill. Chilling the parfait can enhance the flavors and make it more refreshing, especially if it’s a warm day.
  • Serve the chilled parfait and enjoy a delicious and braces-friendly treat that’s perfect for any time of the day!
teen girl with braces on her teeth

Tips for Eating with Braces

Let’s start by discussing proper chewing practices. It’s crucial to chew mindfully and gently, breaking up your meal with your back teeth. Avoid using your front teeth to bite into food as this can harm your brackets and wires. Eat your food slowly and thoroughly.

To make your food more manageable, cut it into smaller pieces. It becomes simpler to chew and is less likely to become stuck in your braces as a result. Additionally, smaller pieces will aid in shielding your brackets and wires.

Don’t freak out if you do manage to get food stuck in your braces! Simply brush the food out of your teeth with a toothbrush or interdental brush. To protect your cheeks and lips from irritation and cover any protruding sharp edges on your braces, you can also use orthodontic wax.

When you have braces, it’s also crucial to stay hydrated. Water can aid in flushing out any food particles that might be lodged in your braces. Additionally, water is a much healthier option than sugary beverages like soda or sports drinks, which can harm your braces and cause tooth decay.

There are several options for snacks that are suitable for people wearing braces. Steamed carrots or broccoli are excellent choices for prepared veggies, as are soft fruits like bananas, berries, and kiwis. For a quick and simple snack, consider cheese, yogurt, and smoothies.

You won’t have to worry about anything now that you know how to eat while wearing braces. Just keep in mind to go slowly, break up your food, use orthodontic wax if necessary, and drink plenty of water. You’ll be able to eat with your braces on comfortably and happily if you keep these suggestions in mind.

Foods to Avoid with Braces

Avoiding the foods below are essential for keeping your brackets and wires in good shape and making your orthodontic treatment as smooth as possible.

First up, we have sticky and chewy foods. These types of foods can easily get stuck in your brackets and wires, making it difficult to clean your teeth properly. And let’s be honest, no one wants food stuck in their braces, right? So, avoid chewy candies, gum, caramel, toffee, and anything else that’s sticky or gummy.

Next, we have hard and crunchy foods. These types of foods can be a real danger to your braces. Not only can they cause your brackets to become loose or break, but they can also damage your wires. So, say goodbye to popcorn, nuts, ice, hard candies, and anything else that requires a lot of biting or crunching.

Finally, we have foods that can stain your teeth. While braces won’t stain, your teeth can still become discolored if you eat certain foods. Avoid coffee, tea, red wine, soda, and other things that could stain your teeth, even though I know it’s difficult. If you do drink these kinds of drinks, brush your teeth afterward to keep them from getting stained.

There are plenty of delicious braces-friendly alternatives out there that won’t cause any damage to your brackets or wires. So, stick to soft fruits and veggies, cooked or steamed vegetables, soft proteins, and dairy products. And remember, the end result of a beautiful, healthy smile is well worth the temporary sacrifice.

Read my latest post “Navigating Braces: Food You Can’t Eat with Braces” for additional information on what you should not eat while wearing braces!!!

Final Thoughts on Food You Can Eat with Braces

Choosing the right foods while wearing braces is important. Eating the wrong items can damage your braces, make treatment take longer, and even cause pain. On the flip side, a healthy diet can speed up your treatment and boost your dental health. As you continue with your braces, remember to pick braces-friendly foods and use our tips. Don’t worry, you’ll soon become a pro at finding foods that work well with your braces, keeping that smile on track!

Maintain a positive attitude, and keep the kitchen pantry stocked with safe foods. Keep in mind that it will all be worthwhile in the end to have a stunning, healthy smile.

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Hi! I'm Jen, and I'm thrilled you stopped by!

I am a certified life coach, mother of five, wife, founder of the non-profit Eye on Vision Foundation, entrepreneur, Christian, and friend. I live, play, work and worship in the Orlando, Florida area.

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