
10 Ways of Dealing with Postpartum Depression Naturally

Becoming a mom is a journey filled with joy, but sometimes, it’s also mixed with challenges like postpartum depression (PPD). If you’re facing PPD, you’re not alone. Many moms go through this, and there are natural ways to help you feel better. This guide is for you, from one mom to another, to navigate through postpartum depression, and look at ways of dealing with it naturally.

dealing with postpartum depression naturally - mother holding her newborn baby and looking sad
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Understanding Postpartum Depression

First, let’s understand what postpartum depression is. After having a baby, it’s common to feel a mix of emotions. But sometimes, these feelings can get overwhelming, making you feel really sad, anxious, or tired. This is postpartum depression, and it’s more than just the “baby blues.” Remember, it’s not your fault, and it’s more common than you might think.

A Friend’s Story of Postpartum Depression (PPD)

Sarah’s journey through postpartum depression (PPD) was both personal and challenging. As a long-time friend, I watched her struggle with emotions far beyond the typical ‘baby blues’ after the birth of her son, Ethan. She felt a deep sadness and detachment from him, questioning her love and even considering adoption due to her inability to connect with him.

This period was heart-wrenching. Sarah, once vibrant and loving, was now a shadow of herself, filled with guilt and inadequacy. Recognizing the severity of her condition, she sought medical help and was diagnosed with severe PPD. Initially wary of medication, the depth of her suffering led her to accept a combination of therapy and medication.

The recovery process was a rollercoaster. Therapy provided coping mechanisms and an understanding that PPD was a medical condition, not a reflection of her love or ability as a mother. Gradually, the good days began to outnumber the bad, and she started bonding with Ethan, experiencing the joys of motherhood.

Today, Sarah is a loving mother and an advocate for PPD awareness, sharing her story to destigmatize the condition and encourage other mothers to seek help. Her experience highlights the importance of addressing mental health issues, the effectiveness of treatment, and the resilience of the human spirit. Through her journey, she found joy in motherhood and life, exemplifying hope and perseverance.

Dealing with Postpartum Depression Naturally – 10 Natural Ways to Tackle PPD

1. Open Up About Your Feelings

Opening up about your feelings is one of the most important steps in dealing with postpartum depression naturally. It might seem simple, but talking about what you’re going through can be incredibly powerful. After childbirth, your body, your emotions, and your life go through significant changes, and it’s normal to feel overwhelmed.

Why Talking Helps

When you talk about your feelings, you’re not just sharing words; you’re also letting out emotions that you might have been holding inside. This act of sharing can be a huge relief. It’s like opening a valve to let out steam from a pressure cooker. Keeping everything inside can make you feel more stressed and isolated. Talking helps you realize that your feelings are valid and that you’re not alone in experiencing them.

Who to Talk To

  • Your Partner: Your partner can be a great source of support. Sharing your feelings with them not only helps you but also helps them understand what you’re going through. This can strengthen your bond and help you both work together in this new phase of life.
  • Friends or Family: Sometimes, talking to a friend or a family member can be easier. They might offer a different perspective or just a listening ear without judgment.
  • Other Moms: Connecting with other moms who might be experiencing similar feelings can be comforting. They can offer empathy and understanding from a place of shared experience.
  • Professional Counselors: If you find it hard to talk to people close to you, professional counselors or therapists can help. They provide a safe space where you can express your feelings without fear of judgment.

How to Start the Conversation

Starting the conversation can be the hardest part. You might feel like you don’t want to burden others or fear they won’t understand. Remember, it’s okay to be vulnerable. You can start by saying something like, “I’ve been feeling really overwhelmed lately, and I could use someone to talk to.” Most people will appreciate your honesty and want to help.

The Power of Journaling

If talking to someone seems too daunting at first, try journaling. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can be a therapeutic way to process them. It can also be a first step towards opening up to others.

Remember, It’s a Sign of Strength

Many moms feel that they need to be strong all the time and that admitting they’re struggling is a sign of weakness. But in reality, acknowledging your feelings and seeking support is a sign of strength. It shows that you’re taking steps to care for your mental health, which is just as important as caring for your physical health.

The Takeaway

Opening up about your feelings is a crucial step in dealing with postpartum depression. It’s about finding a safe space to express yourself, whether it’s with your partner, friends, other moms, or a professional. By talking, you release the weight of these emotions, making space for healing and connection. Remember, your feelings are valid, and reaching out for support is a brave and important step towards feeling better.

2. Establish a Routine When Dealing With Postpartum Depression Naturally

Establishing a routine after having a baby can be incredibly helpful, especially when dealing with postpartum depression. The arrival of a new baby often turns your world upside down, and the lack of a predictable schedule can add to feelings of chaos and stress. A routine helps in bringing some order and predictability to your days, which can be very comforting during a time of such significant change.

Benefits of a Routine

  • Reduces Stress: Knowing what to expect each day can lower stress and anxiety. When your day has some structure, you’re less likely to feel overwhelmed by the unpredictable elements of new motherhood.
  • Improves Sleep: Both you and your baby can benefit from regular sleep times. While newborns don’t have a set sleep schedule, a routine can gradually help in establishing better sleep patterns.
  • Enhances Bonding: Regular activities like feeding, bathing, and bedtime create opportunities for bonding with your baby. These moments become predictable and special times of connection.
  • Creates Stability: For both you and your baby, a routine provides a sense of stability and security, which is particularly important during times of emotional upheaval.

How to Establish a Routine

  • Start Small: Begin by establishing small, manageable parts of your day. It could be something as simple as having your morning coffee after the first feeding or going for a short walk at a specific time each day.
  • Listen to Your Baby: Pay attention to your baby’s natural patterns and try to build a routine around them. For example, if your baby tends to sleep longer during a particular time of the day, you could use that time for resting or a self-care activity.
  • Be Flexible: It’s important to remember that with a new baby, flexibility is key. Your routine shouldn’t be rigid. It’s there to provide a gentle structure, not to add more stress.

Including Self-Care in Your Routine

As a new mom, it’s easy to forget about your own needs. Make sure your routine includes time for self-care. This could be a few minutes of reading, a relaxing bath, or just sitting quietly with a cup of tea. These moments are vital for your mental health.

Getting Family Involved

If possible, involve your partner or family members in the routine. Sharing responsibilities can help lighten your load and allow for some much-needed rest or personal time.

Consistency is Key

Try to be as consistent as possible with your routine, but also be kind to yourself if things don’t go as planned. Some days will be easier than others, and that’s perfectly normal.

The Takeaway

Establishing a routine when dealing with postpartum depression can provide a sense of control and normalcy in a time of great change. It helps in managing stress, improving sleep, and creating opportunities for bonding with your baby. Remember, the goal of a routine is to make life easier, not more stressful. It should be flexible and include time for self-care. With time, a well-considered routine can become a comforting and stabilizing part of your daily life.

3. Get Moving

Incorporating physical activity into your routine can be incredibly beneficial, especially when dealing with postpartum depression. Exercise is not just about physical health; it’s also a powerful tool for improving your mental well-being. Let’s explore how gentle, regular movement can help you navigate through postpartum depression.

Benefits of Exercise for Postpartum Depression

  • Boosts Mood: Physical activity releases endorphins, also known as the body’s “feel-good” hormones. These natural mood lifters can help alleviate feelings of depression and anxiety.
  • Increases Energy: Although it might seem counterintuitive, exercising can actually boost your energy levels, helping you feel less fatigued.
  • Improves Sleep: Regular physical activity can help regulate your sleep patterns, which is particularly beneficial when you’re adjusting to a new baby’s sleep schedule.
  • Provides a Sense of Achievement: Completing a workout, no matter how small, can give you a sense of accomplishment, boosting your self-esteem and confidence.

Exercise Ideas for New Moms

  • Walks with the Baby: Taking a walk is one of the easiest ways to get moving. Whether it’s a stroll around the neighborhood or a walk in the park, fresh air and a change of scenery can do wonders for your mental state.
  • Postnatal Yoga: Yoga can be a gentle way to reconnect with your body and engage in some much-needed self-care. Look for postnatal yoga classes, which are designed to be safe and beneficial for new moms.
  • Stretching at Home: Incorporating some basic stretching into your day can help relieve tension and improve flexibility. Even a few minutes can make a difference.
  • Dance: Dancing is a fun and uplifting way to get some exercise. Put on your favorite music and have a little dance party in your living room, either by yourself or with your baby.

Tips for Getting Started

  • Set Realistic Goals: Start with small, achievable goals. Even a 10-minute walk is a great beginning.
  • Find Activities You Enjoy: Choose exercises that you enjoy. If you like what you’re doing, you’re more likely to stick with it.
  • Listen to Your Body: Pay attention to how your body feels. Postpartum bodies need time to heal, and it’s important not to push too hard.
  • Include Your Baby: Exercises that include your baby can be a fun bonding experience and make it easier to fit into your schedule.

Finding Time for Exercise

Finding time for exercise with a new baby can be challenging. Try to incorporate physical activity into your daily routine in simple ways. Even household chores or playing with your baby can be a form of exercise.

The Takeaway

Getting moving is a natural and effective way to help manage postpartum depression. It’s about finding small, enjoyable ways to incorporate physical activity into your daily life. Remember, the goal is to boost your mood and energy, not to achieve fitness milestones. Be kind to yourself and acknowledge each step you take towards feeling better – every bit counts.

4. Eat Well

Nutrition plays a crucial role in managing postpartum depression naturally. After having a baby, your body needs good nutrition to heal and recover. Eating well can significantly impact your mood and energy levels, which is especially important when dealing with postpartum depression.

The Connection Between Food and Mood

The food you eat has a direct impact on your brain chemistry and energy levels. Nutrients like omega-3 fatty acids, iron, protein, and vitamins can influence the production of neurotransmitters, which regulate mood. A balanced diet can help stabilize mood swings and improve overall well-being.

Nutrient-Rich Foods for New Moms

  • Omega-3 Fatty Acids: Found in fish like salmon, flaxseeds, and walnuts, omega-3s are essential for brain health and can help improve mood.
  • Iron-Rich Foods: Foods like lean meats, beans, spinach, and fortified cereals can help prevent anemia, which is common postpartum and can contribute to fatigue and depression.
  • Calcium and Vitamin D: Important for bone health, these can be found in dairy products, fortified plant milks, and sunlight exposure.
  • Whole Grains: Foods like brown rice, oats, and whole wheat bread provide sustained energy, helping to combat fatigue.
  • Fruits and Vegetables: These are high in vitamins, minerals, and fiber and can help boost energy and overall health.

Practical Tips for Eating Well

  • Meal Planning: Planning meals can help ensure you’re getting a balanced diet. It doesn’t have to be elaborate – simple, nutritious meals are just as effective.
  • Healthy Snacks: Keep healthy snacks like nuts, yogurt, and fruit on hand for when you need a quick energy boost.
  • Hydration: Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Dehydration can affect your mood and energy levels.
  • Seek Help if Needed: Don’t hesitate to ask friends or family for help with meal preparation, especially in the early weeks postpartum.

The Challenge of Cooking with a New Baby

Cooking can be challenging with a new baby. Here are some strategies to make it easier:

  • Batch Cooking: Prepare and freeze meals in advance.
  • Slow Cooker Meals: These require minimal preparation and can cook without supervision.
  • Simple Recipes: Focus on simple, nutritious recipes that don’t require a lot of time or ingredients.

Remember, Perfection is Not the Goal

It’s important to remember that your diet doesn’t have to be perfect. There will be days when cooking a balanced meal is just not feasible, and that’s okay. Do the best you can and remember that taking care of yourself is a priority.

The Takeaway on Eating Well When Dealing with Postpartum Depression Naturally

Eating well is a key component in managing postpartum depression naturally. A balanced diet rich in essential nutrients can help improve your mood, energy levels, and overall well-being. While it can be challenging to focus on nutrition with a new baby, simple strategies like meal planning, healthy snacking, and seeking help can make a significant difference. Remember, the goal is to nourish your body and mind, not to achieve dietary perfection.

5. Rest When You Can

Rest and sleep are crucial for new moms, especially when dealing with postpartum depression. The lack of sleep and constant fatigue can significantly worsen the symptoms of depression. However, with a newborn, getting a full night’s sleep is often not possible, so the focus shifts to resting whenever you can.

The Importance of Rest for Mental Health

Sleep deprivation can have a profound impact on your mental health. It can lead to irritability, heightened emotional responses, and exacerbate feelings of depression and anxiety. Even short periods of rest can help alleviate these symptoms and improve your overall mood and cognitive function.

Tips for Maximizing Rest

  • Sleep When the Baby Sleeps: This classic piece of advice is repeated so often because it works. Try to nap when your baby is sleeping, even if it’s just for a short while.
  • Create a Restful Environment: Ensure your sleeping environment is conducive to rest. This might mean using blackout curtains, earplugs, or a white noise machine.
  • Limit Screen Time Before Bed: The light from screens can interfere with your ability to fall asleep. Try to avoid screens for an hour before you plan to sleep.
  • Delegate Nighttime Duties: If possible, share nighttime feedings and diaper changes with a partner or family member. Taking turns can allow for longer periods of uninterrupted sleep.

The Challenge of Resting with a New Baby

Resting with a new baby can be challenging, as their needs often dictate your schedule. Here are some strategies to make it easier:

  • Accept Help: If friends or family offer to watch the baby, even for an hour, take them up on it. Use this time to rest or sleep.
  • Be Flexible with Your Schedule: Your sleep schedule won’t look like it did before the baby. Be open to sleeping at unconventional times.
  • Relaxation Techniques: If you find it hard to sleep, try relaxation techniques like deep breathing or progressive muscle relaxation to rest your body and mind.

Balancing Rest with Other Responsibilities

It can be hard to prioritize rest with so many other things demanding your attention. Remember, taking care of yourself is not just beneficial for you but also for your baby. When you are well-rested, you are better equipped to care for your baby and meet the challenges of motherhood.

The Takeaway

Rest is a critical component of managing postpartum depression naturally. While getting a full night’s sleep might not be feasible, taking advantage of short periods of rest can make a significant difference. Creating a restful environment, sharing nighttime duties, and being flexible with your sleep schedule can help you get the rest you need. Remember, taking care of yourself is not a luxury, but a necessity for both you and your baby.

dealing with postpartum depression naturally - black woman holding a baby in the park looking sad and tired

6. Connect with Nature

Spending time in nature can be incredibly beneficial for mothers dealing with postpartum depression. The natural environment has a unique way of soothing the mind and uplifting the spirit. This connection with nature can be a simple yet powerful tool in your journey through postpartum depression.

The Healing Power of Nature

Being in nature has been scientifically shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. The sights, sounds, and smells of the outdoors engage your senses in a calming and rejuvenating way. Natural light, especially sunlight, can also improve mood by boosting levels of vitamin D and serotonin, a mood-regulating neurotransmitter.

Simple Ways to Connect with Nature

  • Take Walks Outdoors: A walk in a nearby park or even around your neighborhood can be refreshing. If possible, try to go to places with trees, water, or open spaces.
  • Sit Outside: Simply sitting in your yard, on a balcony, or near an open window can help. Take a moment to observe the sky, plants, or wildlife.
  • Gardening: Engaging in gardening, even on a small scale, can be therapeutic. Tending to plants and watching them grow brings a sense of accomplishment and connection to the earth.
  • Eat or Relax Outdoors: Whenever the weather allows, consider having your meals outside or just relaxing in a natural setting.

The Benefits for Baby Too

Not only is nature good for you, but it’s also beneficial for your baby. Babies thrive with fresh air and natural light, and it can be a calming experience for them as well. Taking your baby along for a walk or simply sitting outside with them exposes them to the natural world and can be a bonding experience.

Overcoming Barriers to Outdoor Time

It can be challenging to find time to spend outdoors with a new baby. Here are some tips to make it more manageable:

  • Start Small: Even a few minutes outside can be beneficial. Don’t pressure yourself to spend a long time outdoors; start with what feels manageable.
  • Incorporate Outdoor Time into Your Routine: Try to make it a part of your daily or weekly routine. This could be a morning walk, an afternoon sit-out, or weekend family time outdoors.
  • Use Baby Carriers or Strollers: These can make it easier to take walks and explore the outdoors with your baby.

The Takeaway

Connecting with nature is a simple yet effective way to help manage postpartum depression. The calming effect of the natural world can provide a much-needed break from the stresses of new motherhood. Whether it’s a walk, gardening, or just sitting outside, these moments of connection can have a significant positive impact on your mental health. Remember, every little bit counts, and finding even small ways to immerse yourself in nature can make a big difference.

7. Try Relaxation Techniques

Relaxation techniques can be a valuable tool for mothers dealing with postpartum depression. These techniques help in reducing stress, calming anxious thoughts, and improving overall emotional well-being. Integrating relaxation into your daily routine can be a simple yet effective way to manage the symptoms of postpartum depression.

Understanding the Benefits

Relaxation techniques work by reducing the body’s stress response, lowering blood pressure, slowing heart rate, and reducing muscle tension. This physical relaxation can lead to mental calmness, helping to alleviate symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Different Relaxation Techniques to Try

  • Deep Breathing: This is one of the simplest yet most effective relaxation techniques. Focusing on taking slow, deep breaths can help calm the mind and reduce tension. Try inhaling for a count of four, holding for a count of four, and exhaling for a count of four.
  • Progressive Muscle Relaxation: This involves tensing and then relaxing different muscle groups in your body. It helps in releasing physical tension and brings awareness to areas of the body where you hold stress.
  • Mindfulness Meditation: Practicing mindfulness involves staying present in the moment without judgment. This can be done through guided meditations or simply by paying attention to your breath or surroundings.
  • Guided Imagery: This technique involves visualizing a peaceful and calming image or setting. It can be a powerful way to divert your mind from stressful thoughts and achieve a state of relaxation.

Incorporating Relaxation Techniques into Your Routine

  • Set Aside Time: Try to dedicate a few minutes each day to practice relaxation. Even five minutes can make a difference.
  • Create a Calm Environment: Find a quiet, comfortable space where you won’t be interrupted. This could be a cozy corner in your home or even a peaceful outdoor setting.
  • Use Apps or Online Resources: There are many apps and online resources available that offer guided relaxation exercises, which can be particularly helpful for beginners.

Relaxation with a New Baby

Finding time for relaxation with a new baby can be challenging. Here are some ideas to incorporate these techniques into your busy schedule:

  • Practice While Feeding the Baby: Use feeding time to practice deep breathing or mindfulness.
  • Relax During Naptime: When your baby naps, take a few minutes for a guided meditation or progressive muscle relaxation.
  • Involve Your Baby: Practices like gentle yoga or walking meditation can be done with your baby, allowing for relaxation and bonding.

The Takeaway

Relaxation techniques are a natural and effective way to help manage postpartum depression. They offer a method for both physical and mental relaxation, which can be especially beneficial during the stressful postpartum period. By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can create moments of calm and rejuvenation that contribute to your overall well-being. Remember, even a few minutes of relaxation can make a significant difference.

8. Join a Support Group

Joining a support group can be a vital step in dealing with postpartum depression naturally. It connects you with other moms who are going through similar experiences, providing a sense of community and understanding. This mutual support is invaluable in navigating the challenges of new motherhood and postpartum depression.

Why Support Groups are Helpful

  • Shared Experiences: In a support group, you’ll meet other moms who understand what you’re going through. Sharing experiences can help you feel less isolated and validate your feelings.
  • Gaining Different Perspectives: Hearing how others cope with similar challenges can provide new insights and strategies for dealing with your own situation.
  • Emotional Support: Just knowing that there are others who empathize with your experience can be incredibly comforting.
  • Accountability and Motivation: Regular meetings can offer a sense of accountability and motivation for taking steps towards managing your depression.

Finding the Right Support Group

  • Local Community Groups: Check local community centers, hospitals, or parenting resource centers for postpartum support groups.
  • Online Groups: If getting out of the house is difficult, online forums and social media groups can be a great alternative. They offer flexibility and can be accessed at any time.
  • Therapist-Led Groups: Some support groups are led by therapists or counselors, providing professional guidance alongside peer support.

Tips for Participating in a Support Group

  • Be Open-Minded: Every mom’s experience is unique. Be open to listening to different stories and perspectives.
  • Share When Ready: While sharing can be therapeutic, don’t feel pressured to share more than you’re comfortable with. It’s okay to take your time.
  • Respect Privacy: What’s shared in the group should stay in the group. Respecting each other’s privacy helps create a safe and trusting environment.
  • Utilize Resources: Often, support groups will share resources like articles, books, and contacts that can be very helpful.

Creating Your Own Support Network

If you can’t find a group that fits your needs, consider starting your own. It could be as formal as a regular meeting at a community center or as informal as a group chat with other moms you’ve met.

The Takeaway

Joining a support group offers a sense of community and understanding that can be incredibly beneficial in managing postpartum depression. It provides an opportunity to share experiences, gain insights, and receive emotional support from others who truly understand what you’re going through. Remember, it’s about finding a space where you feel comfortable and supported, whether it’s in person or online. Sharing your journey with others who are on a similar path can be a powerful step towards healing and managing postpartum depression naturally.

9. Limit Social Media

Limiting social media can be an important strategy for mothers dealing with postpartum depression. Social media often presents an idealized version of life, including motherhood, which can lead to unfair comparisons and feelings of inadequacy. Managing your social media use can help reduce these negative impacts and support your mental well-being.

The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

  • Unrealistic Comparisons: Social media often shows only the best aspects of people’s lives, which can create unrealistic standards, particularly regarding motherhood.
  • Increased Feelings of Isolation: Seeing others seemingly thriving can intensify feelings of loneliness or the sense that you’re the only one struggling.
  • Information Overload: The sheer amount of information and advice about parenting on social media can be overwhelming and sometimes conflicting.

Strategies for Healthy Social Media Use

  • Set Time Limits: Limit the amount of time you spend on social media each day. You can use app features or separate apps to monitor and restrict your usage.
  • Curate Your Feed: Follow accounts that make you feel good and unfollow or mute those that trigger negative feelings. Seek out content that is positive, realistic, and supportive.
  • Mindful Scrolling: Be aware of how you feel as you use social media. If you notice it’s making you feel worse, give yourself permission to step away.
  • Focus on Real-Life Connections: Prioritize face-to-face interactions with family and friends. Real-life connections are more valuable for emotional support and well-being.

The Benefit of Social Media Breaks

Taking regular breaks from social media can provide perspective and allow you to focus more on your own life without constant external influence. These breaks can help reset your relationship with social media, making it a healthier part of your life.

Using Social Media Positively

While there are downsides, social media can also be a tool for good. It can be a source of support, information, and connection when used mindfully. Follow groups or pages that focus on realistic parenting, mental health support, and positive encouragement.

The Takeaway

Limiting social media is a proactive step towards managing postpartum depression. It helps in reducing exposure to unrealistic standards and overwhelming information, which can negatively impact your mental health. By setting boundaries around social media use, you can create a healthier balance, allowing you to focus more on your personal well-being and real-life connections. Remember, the goal is not to eliminate social media, but to use it in a way that supports your mental health and well-being.

10. Seek Professional Help

Seeking professional help is a crucial step in dealing with postpartum depression naturally. While natural remedies and self-care strategies are important, professional guidance can provide comprehensive support and treatment tailored to your specific needs. It’s important to recognize when you need extra help and to be open to seeking it.

Understanding the Role of Professional Help

  • Expert Guidance: Mental health professionals can offer expert advice and treatment plans based on your individual situation.
  • Personalized Support: Therapy can provide a safe space to explore your feelings, fears, and challenges in a confidential and supportive environment.
  • Comprehensive Approach: Professionals can help integrate natural strategies with other treatments, ensuring a holistic approach to your well-being.

Types of Professional Help Available

  • Therapists and Counselors: These professionals specialize in mental health and can provide therapy and counseling tailored to postpartum issues.
  • Psychiatrists: If medication might be beneficial, psychiatrists can prescribe and manage these treatments.
  • Postpartum Support Groups Led by Professionals: These groups not only offer peer support but also professional guidance and resources.
  • Primary Care Physicians: Your doctor can help monitor your overall health, provide guidance, and refer you to specialists.

Overcoming the Stigma

There’s often a stigma attached to seeking mental health support, especially for new mothers. It’s important to remember that seeking help is a sign of strength and an important step in taking care of yourself and, by extension, your baby.

How to Seek Help

  • Start with Your Doctor: Your primary care doctor or OB-GYN can be a good starting point. They can provide initial assessments and referrals.
  • Research Therapists and Counselors: Look for professionals with experience in postpartum depression. Many offer virtual sessions if getting to appointments in person is difficult.
  • Utilize Online Resources: There are many online platforms that can connect you with mental health professionals specialized in postpartum issues.

Including Professional Help in Your Support System

Incorporating professional help into your overall support system can provide a more rounded approach to managing postpartum depression. It complements natural strategies and ensures that all aspects of your well-being are addressed.

The Takeaway

Seeking professional help is a key component in dealing with postpartum depression naturally. It provides expert guidance, personalized support, and a comprehensive approach to your treatment. Remember, reaching out for help is a positive step towards recovery and managing your mental health effectively. It’s a sign of taking control and making your well-being a priority.

As we wrap up our chat about natural ways to handle postpartum depression, let’s take a moment to appreciate the strength and courage of moms like Sarah. Her story reminds us that it’s perfectly fine to seek help and that recovery is possible with the right support. There are many steps moms can take towards feeling better: sharing feelings with friends, making a daily routine, enjoying walks, eating well, resting, spending time outdoors, joining mom groups, being mindful of social media use, or consulting a doctor. These actions, combined, can make a big difference, helping moms relish their time with their little ones.

Each mom’s journey is unique, but every mom has the inner strength to overcome challenges. Sarah’s story is a beacon of hope, showing that with some support and lots of love, moms can rediscover joy and laughter in their journey with their adorable babies.

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Hi! I'm Jen, and I'm thrilled you stopped by!

I am a certified life coach, mother of five, wife, founder of the non-profit Eye on Vision Foundation, entrepreneur, Christian, and friend. I live, play, work and worship in the Orlando, Florida area.

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