
Best 8-Step Routine to an Easy Bedtime for Toddlers

best bedtime routines for toddlers - young girl with messy blonde hair, wearing pajamas
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Best 8-Step Routine to an Easy Bedtime for Toddlers

If you’ve ever faced a toddler’s bedtime protest, you know it’s no walk in the park. So, let’s talk about the best bedtime routine for your toddler, that might just make evenings smoother.

best bedtime routines for toddlers - young girls resting her head on a pillow
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Step 1: Consistent Bedtime: Setting a specific time each night for your toddler to go to bed is important. It’s not just about predictability; it also helps regulate their body’s natural sleep-wake cycle. Try to be as consistent as possible, even on weekends. The key is to observe when they naturally get sleepy and set the bedtime around that time. This consistency helps their bodies naturally wind down at the right time each night.

toddler smiling in a bubble bath

Step 2. Calming Bath Time: Transform bath time into a serene ritual. Warm water is naturally soothing and helps to relax muscles and calm the mind. You can add a few drops of lavender oil for its calming properties. Make this time special with some quiet play, like bath toys that encourage calm play. Keep your voice soft and the atmosphere tranquil to reinforce that it’s time to wind down.

best bedtime routines for toddlers

Step 3. Cozy Pajamas: Choose comfortable, season-appropriate pajamas for your toddler. The fabric should be soft and breathable, like cotton, to prevent overheating. Letting your child choose their pajamas can also give them a sense of control and involvement in the bedtime process. This step is about comfort and creating a bedtime identity: “When I put on my pajamas, it’s time to start thinking about sleep.”

Step 4. Brushing Teeth: Turn tooth brushing into a fun activity. Use a colorful toothbrush and flavored toothpaste suitable for toddlers. You can create a short song about brushing teeth or count each tooth as you brush it to keep them engaged. This not only promotes good dental hygiene but also adds another predictable step that signals bedtime is near.

Step 5. Story Time: Story time should be a relaxing, bonding experience. Choose books that are appropriate for their age – nothing too stimulating or complex. This time can be used to wind down physically and mentally. It’s also an excellent opportunity for language development. Keep your voice soft and soothing, and encourage your child to ask questions about the story to engage them quietly.

Step 6. Gentle Lullabies or Soft Music: Soft, rhythmic music or a gentle lullaby can significantly aid in calming your child. The key is consistency in the type of music or lullaby you choose, as this familiarity will signal that it’s time to sleep. You don’t need a perfect voice for lullabies – it’s the rhythm and softness that matter. There are also numerous apps and gadgets that can play calming sounds or music if you prefer.

toddler in bed with a nightlight

Step 7. Lights Out: Create an ideal sleeping environment. If your child is scared of complete darkness, a dim nightlight is a good idea. Make sure the room is not too hot or cold, as a comfortable room temperature is vital for good sleep. Blackout curtains can be helpful to keep the room dark, especially during summer months when it gets dark late.

Step 8. A Goodnight Hug or Kiss: End the routine with a loving gesture. A hug, a kiss, or a cuddling session gives your child a sense of security and love. This physical connection is a powerful way to signal that it’s time to sleep and that they are safe. You could also incorporate a sweet saying or a short nighttime prayer if that suits your family.

Let’s break down the estimated time for each step in the bedtime routine. This way, you can work backwards from your toddler’s bedtime to figure out when to start the routine:

  1. Consistent Bedtime: This is your end goal. For example, if you aim for 8:00 PM as the bedtime, all the following steps should lead up to this time.
  2. Calming Bath Time: Approximately 15-20 minutes. This includes getting the bath ready, bathing, and then drying and dressing the toddler.
  3. Cozy Pajamas: About 5-10 minutes. This includes the time to pick out pajamas and get dressed.
  4. Brushing Teeth: Roughly 5 minutes. This accounts for the actual brushing and any pre- or post-brushing activities like rinsing.
  5. Story Time: Around 15-20 minutes. This can vary depending on the length of the story and how interactive the reading session is.
  6. Gentle Lullabies or Soft Music: Around 5-10 minutes. This can happen simultaneously with or immediately following story time.
  7. Lights Out: Immediate. Turning off the lights is a quick action but signifies it’s time to sleep.
  8. A Goodnight Hug or Kiss: About 5 minutes. This can be a quick goodnight, or a bit longer if your toddler needs a few extra minutes of cuddling.

Adding up these times, the entire routine would take approximately 50-70 minutes. So, if your target bedtime is 8:00 PM, you’d want to start the routine between 6:50 PM and 7:10 PM. Keep in mind, this is just a guideline. Some nights might be quicker, and others might take a bit longer. The key is consistency and finding a rhythm that works best for your toddler and your family.

Implementing a structured bedtime routine can take time and patience, but the benefits for your toddler’s sleep habits and overall well-being are worth it. Remember, flexibility is key – some nights might not go as planned, and that’s okay. The goal is to create a soothing environment that signals to your toddler that it’s time to rest.

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I am a certified life coach, mother of five, wife, founder of the non-profit Eye on Vision Foundation, entrepreneur, Christian, and friend. I live, play, work and worship in the Orlando, Florida area.

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