
35 Family-Friendly April Fools’ Pranks

April Fools’ Day is a time for laughter, surprise, and a little bit of mischief. As moms and women, we often look for ways to inject some light-hearted fun into our family’s day-to-day life, and what better opportunity than April 1st? From harmless practical jokes to creative tricks, April Fools’ pranks are a delightful way to add an element of unexpected humor to our homes.

mom laughing after an April Fool's prank

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When, Why and Where April Fool’s Day is Celebrated

April Fools’ Day, celebrated on April 1st each year, is a day filled with laughs and lighthearted pranks, but have you ever wondered where this unusual tradition comes from? The origin of April Fools’ Day is a bit of a mystery, shrouded in folklore and history. One popular theory suggests it began in 16th-century France when the adoption of the Gregorian calendar moved New Year’s Day from late March to January 1st. However, those who continued to celebrate the New Year during spring became the butt of jokes and pranks.

This playful spirit spread throughout Europe and, over time, evolved into the global phenomenon we know today. While it’s predominantly observed in Western countries, the day has different variations and names around the world, but the core idea of spreading joy through harmless jokes remains a common thread. From swapping sugar with salt in the U.S. to the “Poisson d’Avril” (April Fish) tradition in France where children tape a paper fish to someone’s back, April Fools’ Day is a universal celebration of humor and jest.

In the spirit of keeping things fun and family-friendly, we’ve compiled a list of 35 April Fools’ pranks. These ideas are perfect for moms looking to add a dash of laughter to their household without crossing the line. So, let’s get into these playful pranks that promise a day filled with giggles and memorable moments.

35 Funny April Fool’s Day Pranks

1. Fake Bug in Lampshade

Place a realistic-looking fake bug inside a lampshade. When someone turns on the lamp, the silhouette of the bug becomes visible, causing a startling but harmless surprise. You can easily find fake bugs at a party store or make one using black paper.

2. Mismatched Socks

Rearrange the socks in your family members’ drawers so that none of them match. When they get dressed in the morning, they’ll be puzzled trying to find a pair. This April Fools’ prank is simple yet effective, especially if done the night before.

3. Frozen Cereal

Prepare a bowl of cereal the night before and freeze it. In the morning, serve it as usual. Watching someone try to scoop up a spoonful of frozen cereal is guaranteed to get some laughs.

4. Mayo-Filled Doughnuts

Carefully open cream-filled doughnuts and replace the cream with mayonnaise. Reseal them and serve them to unsuspecting family members for a surprising twist.

5. Auto-Correct Shenanigans

Borrow a family member’s phone and change a few common words in the autocorrect settings to something silly or unexpected. For example, every time they type “yes,” it could change to “banana!”

6. April Fool’s Air Horn Chair Prank

Tape a small air horn under a chair, especially one that’s frequently used. When someone sits down, they’ll get a loud surprise. Make sure to test it out first to ensure it’s safe.

7. Bed Shortening

Stuff the end of the bed with pillows and fold the blankets over, making the bed appear shorter. When someone tries to get into bed, they’ll find their feet hanging off the edge unexpectedly.

8. Caramel Onions

Dip onions in caramel, making them look like caramel apples. Stick a stick in them and offer them as a treat. The first bite will reveal the April Fools’ prank, but remember, it’s all in good fun!

9. Colored Toothpaste

Carefully mix a little food coloring into a tube of toothpaste. When someone goes to brush their teeth, they’ll be greeted with a burst of unexpected color!

10. Doorway Surprise Prank

Create a small barrier at the bottom of a doorway using clear tape. It’s invisible and will cause a slight trip (ensure it’s safe and low to the ground). It’s a prank that literally stops someone in their tracks.

11. Remote Confusion

Cover the sensor of the TV remote with a piece of tape that matches the remote’s color. The remote will appear normal but won’t work, leading to some mild frustration and confusion.

12. Bubble Wrap Under the Rug

Place a strip of bubble wrap under a rug or a mat. When someone steps on it, the popping sound will give them a small, harmless scare.

13. Mixed-Up Keyboard Keys

Rearrange the keys on a computer keyboard. It’s a prank that works best on family members who are not touch typists. They’ll be puzzled when typing messages!

14. Fake Spilled Coffee

Craft a fake spill using brown craft glue on a piece of white plastic or wax paper. Once dry, place it on a valuable item like a laptop. It looks like a disaster but is completely harmless.

15. April Fools Bedroom Swap

While the kids are at school, swap the contents of their bedrooms. When they come home and go to their rooms, they’ll be in for a big surprise seeing their sibling’s belongings instead of their own.

16. Fake Broken Glass

Buy or make fake broken glass (available at craft stores) and place it on the ground near a valuable item. When your family members see it, they’ll think something valuable has been broken.

17. Voice-Activated Appliances

Put notes on appliances saying they’ve been upgraded to voice-activated models. Watch and giggle as your family members try talking to them.

18. Invisible Ink

Write a message with lemon juice on a piece of paper. Tell your family it’s a secret note that can only be revealed by heating it (use a hairdryer or put it over a lamp). As they heat the paper, your message will magically appear.

19. April Fool’s Door Alarm Prank

Attach a small alarm or a noisy toy under a chair or behind a door. When the door is opened or the chair is moved, it will set off the alarm, giving a harmless scare.

20. Upside Down Water

Fill a glass with water, cover it with a card, and turn it upside down quickly on a surface. Carefully slide the card out. The water stays in the glass due to air pressure, creating a perplexing sight.

21. Car For Sale

Place a “For Sale” sign with a ridiculously low price on your family car. Watch as your family reacts to the stream of interested callers or bystanders checking out the car.

22. Fake Moldy Cheese

Color a piece of cheese with green edible food markers to make it look moldy. Leave it in the fridge and wait for someone to discover the ‘spoiled’ food.

23. Balloon Pillow

Fill a pillowcase with inflated balloons. When someone goes to rest their head, they’ll be met with a bouncy surprise instead of a soft pillow.

24. April Fool’s Fake Toilet Overflow Prank

Place cling film over the toilet bowl under the seat and lower the lid. The next person to use it will find a mess, but it’s completely sanitary and easy to clean.

25. Breakfast for Dinner

Serve traditional breakfast foods like pancakes or cereal for dinner. It’s a simple twist that can be quite amusing, especially for kids who love breakfast foods.

26. Confetti Fan

Place a small pile of confetti or paper cutouts on top of ceiling fan blades. When the fan is turned on, the confetti will fly, creating a festive and surprising atmosphere.

27. Mashed Potato Sundae

Serve a dish of mashed potatoes and gravy but make it look like a sundae, complete with a cherry tomato on top. It looks like a dessert but tastes like dinner!

28. Soap That Doesn’t Suds

Cover a bar of soap with a thin layer of clear nail polish. When someone tries to use it, they’ll wonder why it won’t produce any suds.

29. Surprise in a Box

Fill a box with balloons (or another surprise) that will jump out when the box is opened. This classic April Fools’ prank never gets old.

30. Pillow Shortage

Remove all the pillows from the beds and hide them. When it’s time for bed, everyone will be on a hunt for their missing pillows.

31. Unexpected Wake-Up Call

Set all the clocks in the house an hour ahead. Enjoy watching your family rush, thinking they are late, only to find out they have extra time.

32. Fake Dirty Diaper

Create a fake dirty diaper using chocolate and peanut butter. Leave it somewhere unexpected for a gross but laughable discovery.

33. Non-Stop Ringing Phone

Tape down the ‘hang up’ button of your home phone. When someone tries to use it, it’ll keep ringing, causing confusion.

34. April Fool’s Fake Car Scratch Prank

Use washable car paint or a car-safe marker to draw a long scratch on the family car. The shock will turn into relief when they realize it’s not real.

35. Mixed-Up Remote Buttons

Put small stickers over the buttons of a TV remote and label them incorrectly. Watching family members try to figure out the ‘new’ remote will be amusing.

Final Thoughts on April Fools’ Pranks

And there you have it! April Fools’ Day is all about fun and games, and these pranks are sure to add some laughs to your day. Remember, it’s all in good spirit. It’s a chance for everyone to lighten up the daily routine and have some playful moments with their families. As the day comes to an end, it’s not just about the pranks, but the laughter and stories that will be talked about for days to come. Let’s keep the fun going, not just on April Fools’ Day, but every day, bringing a little more joy into our lives and the lives of our loved ones. Keep laughing and keep pranking, responsibly of course!

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I am a certified life coach, mother of five, wife, founder of the non-profit Eye on Vision Foundation, entrepreneur, Christian, and friend. I live, play, work and worship in the Orlando, Florida area.

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